Hacker News
- Replicating a DuckDB Geospatial tutorial using the python library Ibis. https://ibis-project.org/ 8 comments python
Linking pages
- tea-tasting: a Python package for the statistical analysis of A/B tests | Evgeny Ivanov https://e10v.me/tea-tasting-analysis-of-experiments/ 48 comments
- Announcing Ursa Labs: an innovation lab for open source data science - Wes McKinney http://wesmckinney.com/blog/announcing-ursalabs/ 12 comments
- Console #119 - Interview With Saul of VisiData - an Open-source data multitool https://console.substack.com/p/console-119 10 comments
- GitHub - googleapis/python-bigquery-dataframes: BigQuery DataFrames https://github.com/googleapis/python-bigquery-dataframes 1 comment
- A technical intro to Ibis: The portable Python DataFrame library https://blog.structuredlabs.com/p/a-technical-intro-to-ibis-the-portable 1 comment
- Console #120 -- Interview with Phillip of Ibis - a Python library to write expressive analytics https://console.substack.com/p/console-120 0 comments
- The Blaze Ecosystem http://blaze.github.io/blog/2015/09/16/reddit-impala/ 0 comments
- Ibis: an idiomatic flavor of SQL for Python programmers | Quansight Labs https://labs.quansight.org/blog/2020/06/ibis-an-idiomatic-flavor-of-sql-for-python-programmers/ 0 comments
- Connect VisiData to SQL Databases with vdsql | VisiData https://www.visidata.org/blog/2022/connect-visidata-to-sql-databases-with-vdsql/ 0 comments
- GitHub - ibis-project/ibis: the portable Python dataframe library https://github.com/ibis-project/ibis 0 comments
- GitHub - davidgasquez/awesome-duckdb: 🦆 A curated list of awesome DuckDB resources https://github.com/davidgasquez/awesome-duckdb 0 comments
- Portable dataflows with Ibis and Hamilton https://blog.dagworks.io/p/portable-dataflows-with-ibis-and 0 comments
- GitHub - e10v/tea-tasting: A Python package for the statistical analysis of A/B tests. https://github.com/e10v/tea-tasting 0 comments
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