Hacker News
- The long flight to teach an endangered ibis species to migrate https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2025/02/17/the-long-flight-to-teach-an-endangered-ibis-species-to-migrate 17 comments
- Ibis: Federated Wikipedia alternative https://ibis.wiki/article/Announcing_Ibis,_the_federated_Wikipedia_Alternative 149 comments
- Ibis, a federated Wikipedia alternative https://ibis.wiki/article/Announcing_Ibis,_the_federated_Wikipedia_Alternative@ibis.wiki 252 comments
- Ibis – A PHP tool that helps you write eBooks in markdown and convert to PDF https://github.com/themsaid/ibis 32 comments
- 2017 Outlook: Pandas, Arrow, Feather, Parquet, Spark, Ibis http://wesmckinney.com/blog/outlook-for-2017/ 14 comments
- Ibis: Scaling the Python Data Experience http://www.ibis-project.org/ 10 comments
- Ibis Reader: First ereader on the iPad http://blog.threepress.org/2010/03/17/first-ereader-on-the-ipad/ 10 comments
- Announcing Ibis, the federated Wikipedia Alternative https://ibis.wiki/article/Announcing_Ibis,_the_federated_Wikipedia_Alternative@ibis.wiki 9 comments release
- A technical intro to Ibis: The portable Python DataFrame library https://blog.structuredlabs.com/p/a-technical-intro-to-ibis-the-portable?r=4pzohi&showWelcomeOnShare=false 15 comments python
- Northern bald ibis: Back from the brink. After disappearing from Europe 300 years ago, birds are migrating to Europe again. https://edition.cnn.com/science/gallery/northern-bald-ibis-photos-c2e-spc/index.html 5 comments upliftingnews
- Northern bald ibis: Back from the brink https://edition.cnn.com/science/gallery/northern-bald-ibis-photos-c2e-spc/index.html 2 comments science
- IBIS hotel check-in terminal keypad-code leakage https://www.pentagrid.ch/en/blog/ibis-hotel-check-in-terminal-keypad-code-leakage/ 7 comments netsec
- Replicating a DuckDB Geospatial tutorial using the python library Ibis. https://ibis-project.org/ 8 comments python
- Distro recommendations for old Lenovo Miix (ideapad) 300-10IBY 2-in-1 tablet https://www.notebookcheck.net/Lenovo-IdeaPad-Miix-300-10IBY.159953.0.html 3 comments linux4noobs
- Denilson, the 44-yr old ex-Betis and Brazil superstar, returns from retirement and signs with Ibis (PE-BR) https://www.uol.com.br/esporte/futebol/ultimas-noticias/lancepress/2022/03/22/denilson-e-anunciado-como-novo-reforco-do-ibis-pai-decidiu-voltar.htm 19 comments soccer
- [Atlamta Hawks] The Atlanta Hawks have waived center Johnny Hamilton and guards DaQuan Jeffries and Ibi Watson. https://twitter.com/atlhawks/status/1449005604949925894?s=21 5 comments nba
- [Shaw] Former Dayton standout guard Ibi Watson has agreed to an Exhibit 10 deal with the Atlanta Hawks, league source tells @HoopsRumors. Watson will also play summer league with the team next month. https://twitter.com/JShawNBA/status/1421137851316592641?s=19 4 comments nba
- Having trouble getting SATA working on my OS (Ibis OS) looking for contributors able to help out https://github.com/IbisOS/tinaos 15 comments osdev
- Ibis, a team in the second division of Pernambuco's state championship, entering the field with the UCL theme song. https://globoesporte.globo.com/pe/futebol/noticia/ibis-entra-em-campo-ao-som-do-hino-da-champions-league-e-provoca-risada-nos-jogadores.ghtml 14 comments soccer
- Bracconaggio, ucciso a fucilate in Toscana un raro ibis eremita https://www.wwf.it/news/?44880%2Fbracconaggio-ucciso-raro-ibis-eremita-in-toscana&fbclid=iwar169ln4rrgfxpaj047penatu0n-o3sk-e4lsnnyusemmxgtu_jpdpwtwfc 39 comments italy
- After a 400-Year Absence, A Rare Ibis Returns to European Skies https://e360.yale.edu/features/after-a-400-year-absence-waldrapp-rare-ibis-returns-to-european-skies 9 comments europe
- Ibis that was extinct in wild taught to migrate by following aircraft https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/jul/20/formerly-extinct-ibis-taught-to-migrate-by-following-light-aircraft 3 comments science
- Recuperato un ibis eremita ritenuto estinto dall’Europa dal 1600 http://www.lastampa.it/2018/06/07/cuneo/recuperato-un-ibis-eremita-ritenuto-estinto-dalleuropa-dal-dpi0aok8jshn6aafaow1lj/pagina.html 10 comments italy
- The humble Australian white ibis, notoriously referred to as the bin chicken, has helped scientists gain insight into how the fearsome Tyrannosaurus rex may have walked. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-02-22/dinosaurs-walk-modelled-after-study-of-birds/9474834 85 comments science
- Introducing Ibis - An Ethereum-based token to revolutionize the nonprofit sector https://www.tokenibis.com/ 7 comments ethereum
- Australian bird of the year: new poll ruffles feathers in Canberra - Bill Shorten gives emu a leg up, Malcolm Turnbull takes flight & Scott Ludlam offers shock support for ibis https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/nov/22/australian-bird-of-the-year-survey-new-poll-ruffles-feathers-in-canberra 3 comments worldnews
- Brazil's 'worst team in the world' starts winning – and the club's fans are livid • Ibis Sport from Recife in north-east Brazil on verge of four straight wins • ‘This is worrying – to stop being an icon and just be another winning team’ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/sep/30/brazil-football-worst-team-in-the-world-ibis 39 comments soccer
- [Endangered Animals of Europe] The Northern Bald Ibis. Once widespread, today only ~500 individuals remain in Morocco and Syria. Semi-wild populations have been reintroduced in Austria and Spain http://www.birdlife.org/sites/default/files/nbi-brian-stonewww.tnstours.co_.uk_.jpg 2 comments europe
- IBI Hack: the Illinois State Virtual Blockchain Hackathon - registration now open for students everywhere! https://www.illinoisblockchain.org 3 comments ethereum
- Man captures and strangles ibis, uses it to threaten people in Brisbane http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-01-21/ibis-strangled-man-threatens-brisbane-cbd-pedestrians/8200362 6 comments worldnews
- Mourinho receives a formal job offer from Ibis Sport Club, a Brazilian club that calls itself "The Worst Club in the World". They haven't won a game in 4 years. https://twitter.com/ibismania/status/681551625488576512?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw 210 comments soccer
- New Bike Day! Ibis HD3 http://cyclesinlife.com/new-bike-day-ibis-hd3/ 12 comments bicycling
- NEW BIKE DAY, IBIS MOJO SL http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2887/11292442573_a61ccfaa25_o.jpg 11 comments bicycling
- Rare, iconic ibis -- raised by humans and painstakingly trained by conservationists to migrate on its own -- killed by hunters. http://www.nature.com/news/poachers-gun-down-iconic-ibis-1.11621 645 comments science
- First Crested Ibis chicks born in wild in 36 years http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/nn20120424a4.html 3 comments science
- "A new study on white ibis breeding has discovered that mercury pollution is resulting in males of the species mating with each other." So... are humans ingesting too much mercury too? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/03/birds-are-becoming-gay-fr_n_791541.html 4 comments politics
- OCZs iBis drive. Is this the next up and coming SSD? http://www.ocztechnology.com/products/solid-state-drives/hsdl/ocz-ibis-3-5--high-speed-data-link-ssd.html 16 comments technology
- OCZ's Fastest SSD, The IBIS and HSDL Interface Reviewed http://www.anandtech.com/show/3949/oczs-fastest-ssd-the-ibis-and-hsdl-interface-reviewed 19 comments hardware