Hacker News
- Pyenv – lets you easily switch between multiple versions of Python https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv 332 comments
Linking pages
- Hypermodern Python · Claudio Jolowicz https://cjolowicz.github.io/posts/hypermodern-python-01-setup/ 305 comments
- Python Best Practices for a New Project in 2021 - Alex Mitelman https://mitelman.engineering/blog/python-best-practice/automating-python-best-practices-for-a-new-project/ 277 comments
- My Python Development Environment, 2020 Edition - Jacob Kaplan-Moss https://jacobian.org/2019/nov/11/python-environment-2020 252 comments
- GitHub - romkatv/powerlevel10k: A Zsh theme https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k 245 comments
- Everything you need to know about Python 3.13 – JIT and GIL went up the hill | drew's dev blog https://drew.silcock.dev/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-python-3-13/ 214 comments
- GitHub - jdx/mise: dev tools, env vars, task runner https://github.com/jdx/mise 189 comments
- Overview of python dependency management tools | model.predict https://modelpredict.com/python-dependency-management-tools 186 comments
- GitHub - mustbeperfect/definitive-opensource: The definitive list of open source. https://github.com/mustbeperfect/definitive-opensource 178 comments
- How I stopped worrying and loved Makefiles | Tom's Blog https://gagor.pro/2024/02/how-i-stopped-worrying-and-loved-makefiles/ 140 comments
- Modern Good Practices for Python Development · Field Notes https://www.stuartellis.name/articles/python-modern-practices/ 122 comments
- Managing Python versions with pyenv | The Python Corner https://thepythoncorner.com/posts/2022-05-06-managing-python-versions-with-pyenv/ 110 comments
- Nix-powered development with OCaml - Dimitrije's Website https://dimitrije.website/posts/2023-03-04-nix-ocaml.html 104 comments
- Intel NUC as a backend for development • Dima Moroz https://dimamoroz.com/2021/03/09/intel-nuc-for-development/ 101 comments
- Try out walrus operator in Python 3.8 | by Alexander Hultnér | Py.Watch https://medium.com/hultner/try-out-walrus-operator-in-python-3-8-d030ce0ce601 84 comments
- GitHub - apptension/aws-boilerplate: Opinionated full stack web app's boilerplate, ready to be deployed to AWS platform. https://github.com/apptension/aws-boilerplate 61 comments
- GitHub - lambci/lambci: A continuous integration system built on AWS Lambda https://github.com/lambci/lambci 57 comments
- The State Of Python In 2021 – De Programmatica Ipsum https://deprogrammaticaipsum.com/the-state-of-python-in-2021/ 56 comments
- GitHub - whitecatboard/Lua-RTOS-ESP32: Lua RTOS for ESP32 https://github.com/whitecatboard/Lua-RTOS-ESP32 56 comments
- GitHub - webartifex/intro-to-python: [READ-ONLY MIRROR] An intro to Python & programming for wanna-be data scientists https://github.com/webartifex/intro-to-python 55 comments
- GitHub - Ly0n/awesome-robotic-tooling: Tooling for professional robotic development in C++ and Python with a touch of ROS, autonomous driving and aerospace https://github.com/Ly0n/awesome-robotic-tooling 54 comments
Linked pages
- Fig https://fig.io 322 comments
- Homebrew — The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux) https://brew.sh 199 comments
- virtualenv · PyPI https://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv 50 comments
- aria2 https://aria2.github.io/ 49 comments
- GitHub - bats-core/bats-core: Bash Automated Testing System https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core 25 comments
- GitHub - rbenv/rbenv: Manage your app's Ruby environment https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv#installation 4 comments
- GitHub - pyenv-win/pyenv-win: pyenv for Windows. pyenv is a simple python version management tool. It lets you easily switch between multiple versions of Python. It's simple, unobtrusive, and follows the UNIX tradition of single-purpose tools that do one thing well. https://github.com/pyenv-win/pyenv-win 0 comments
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