- A definitive list of open source https://github.com/mustbeperfect/definitive-opensource 151 comments selfhosted
Linked pages
- GitHub - HeyPuter/puter: 🌐 The Internet OS! Free, Open-Source, and Self-Hostable. https://github.com/HeyPuter/puter 1641 comments
- GitHub - gorhill/uBlock: uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean. https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock 1085 comments
- Obsidian - Sharpen your thinking https://obsidian.md/ 1062 comments
- GitHub - dail8859/NotepadNext: A cross-platform, reimplementation of Notepad++ https://github.com/dail8859/NotepadNext 719 comments
- GitHub - jarun/nnn: n³ The unorthodox terminal file manager https://github.com/jarun/nnn 716 comments
- GitHub - jellyfin/jellyfin: The Free Software Media System https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin 683 comments
- GitHub - KRTirtho/spotube: 🎧 Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium nor uses Electron! Available for both desktop & mobile! https://github.com/KRTirtho/spotube 633 comments
- GitHub - neovim/neovim: Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability https://github.com/neovim/neovim 624 comments
- GitHub - laurent22/joplin: Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. https://github.com/laurent22/joplin 579 comments
- GitHub - yt-dlp/yt-dlp: A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp 550 comments
- GitHub - azukaar/Cosmos-Server: ☁️ The Most Secure and Easy Selfhosted Home Server. Take control of your data and privacy without sacrificing security and stability (Authentication, anti-DDOS, anti-bot) https://github.com/azukaar/Cosmos-Server 535 comments
- Bitwarden · GitHub https://github.com/bitwarden 521 comments
- GitHub - immich-app/immich: High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution. https://github.com/immich-app/immich 518 comments
- GitHub - VSCodium/vscodium: binary releases of VS Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing https://github.com/VSCodium/vscodium 505 comments
- GitHub - makeplane/plane: 🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source JIRA, Linear and Height Alternative. Plane helps you track your issues, epics, and product roadmaps in the simplest way possible. https://github.com/makeplane/plane 482 comments
- GitHub - commaai/openpilot: openpilot is an operating system for robotics. Currently, it upgrades the driver assistance system on 275+ supported cars. https://github.com/commaai/openpilot 464 comments
- GitHub - helix-editor/helix: A post-modern modal text editor. https://github.com/helix-editor/helix 431 comments
- GitHub - zadam/trilium: Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes https://github.com/zadam/trilium#trilium-notes 414 comments
- GitHub - pyenv/pyenv: Simple Python version management https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv 343 comments
- GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ladybird: Truly independent web browser https://github.com/LadybirdBrowser/ladybird 334 comments
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