- awesome-python-code-formatters: A curated list of awesome Python code formatters https://github.com/life4/awesome-python-code-formatters 3 comments opensource
Linking pages
- GitHub - orsinium-labs/dethklok: The most uncompromising Python code formatter ever! https://github.com/orsinium-labs/dethklok 11 comments
- GitHub - life4/awesome-go-code-formatters: A curated list of Go code formatters (like gofmt) https://github.com/life4/awesome-go-code-formatters 2 comments
- blog.fidelramos.net – Automating Python code quality https://blog.fidelramos.net/software/python-code-quality 0 comments
Linked pages
- GitHub - psf/black: The uncompromising Python code formatter https://github.com/python/black 244 comments
- GitHub - nathro/AutoTransform: AutoTransform is a framework for large-scale, automated code modification in a production environment. https://www.github.com/nathro/AutoTransform 148 comments
- GitHub - wbolster/black-macchiato: paints part of your python code black https://github.com/wbolster/black-macchiato 80 comments
- GitHub - google/yapf: A formatter for Python files https://github.com/google/yapf 74 comments
- GitHub - returntocorp/semgrep: Lightweight static analysis for many languages. Find bug variants with patterns that look like source code. https://github.com/returntocorp/semgrep 55 comments
- GitHub - ikamensh/flynt: A tool to automatically convert old string literal formatting to f-strings https://github.com/ikamensh/flynt 39 comments
- GitHub - prettier/prettier: Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. https://github.com/prettier/prettier 35 comments
- GitHub - isidentical/refactor: AST-based fragmental source code refactoring toolkit for Python https://github.com/isidentical/refactor 35 comments
- GitHub - hhatto/autopep8: A tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide. https://github.com/hhatto/autopep8 5 comments
- GitHub - bwhmather/ssort: Tool for automatically sorting python statements within a module https://github.com/bwhmather/ssort 3 comments
- GitHub - hakancelikdev/unimport: A linter, formatter for finding and removing unused import statements. https://github.com/hakancelik96/unimport 3 comments
- GitHub - isidentical/teyit: Formatter for your Python unit tests https://github.com/isidentical/teyit 2 comments
- GitHub - odwyersoftware/brunette: 🟤 A best practice Python code formatter https://github.com/odwyersoftware/brunette 1 comment
- GitHub - facebook/usort: Safe, minimal import sorting for Python projects. https://github.com/facebookexperimental/usort 1 comment
- GitHub - MarcoGorelli/auto-walrus: Automatically use the awesome walrus operator https://github.com/MarcoGorelli/auto-walrus 0 comments
- GitHub - asottile/pyupgrade: A tool (and pre-commit hook) to automatically upgrade syntax for newer versions of the language. https://github.com/asottile/pyupgrade 0 comments
- GitHub - typeddjango/awesome-python-typing: Collection of awesome Python types, stubs, plugins, and tools to work with them. https://github.com/typeddjango/awesome-python-typing 0 comments
- 25.4. 2to3 - Automated Python 2 to 3 code translation — Python 2.7.18 documentation https://docs.python.org/2/library/2to3.html 0 comments
- GitHub - dizballanze/gray: Less uncompromising Python code formatter https://github.com/dizballanze/gray 0 comments
- GitHub - Instagram/LibCST: A concrete syntax tree parser and serializer library for Python that preserves many aspects of Python's abstract syntax tree https://github.com/Instagram/LibCST/ 0 comments
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