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- pre-commit 112 comments
- GitHub - psf/black: The uncompromising Python code formatter 8 comments
- GitHub - Instagram/Fixit: Fixit is a Python Lint Framework based on LibCST. It comes with useful default lint rules for coding convention, performance and security issues. It makes custom lint rule easy to build, test and configure. It empowers lint rule to provide autofix to fix the issues for developers. It also provide tools to run autofix across codebase to fix existing issues and automatically insert lint-fixme comments to silent existing violation. Fixit integrates with Flake8 and it adds the above mentioned enhancements to it. 1 comment
- GitHub - asottile/pyupgrade: A tool (and pre-commit hook) to automatically upgrade syntax for newer versions of the language. 0 comments
- Redirecting to 0 comments
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