- Ale autocomplete and plain text https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale 8 comments vim
- Looking for a plugin recommendation to replace ALE https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale 5 comments neovim
- Tslint https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale 6 comments neovim
- Tools/configurations/plugins to develop Qt/C++? https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale 5 comments vim
- Disable unknown word errors in Ale? https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale 2 comments vim
- [plugin woes] Any vim-lsp-ale alternatives for built-in lsp client? https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale 13 comments neovim
- [LSP diagnostics query] Is there an way to toggle diagnostic visibility in real-time? https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale 16 comments neovim
- Language Server | Seeking help before I spend nights digging. https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale 10 comments vim
- ALE (linting & fixing) and LSC (LSP) are a fine complementary pair of developer plugins https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale 13 comments vim
- [QUESTION] Using language servers with the ALE plugin https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale 5 comments vim
- neovim, Python, LSPs and Ale https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale 21 comments vim
- My First Vim Plugin and it's about elm Errors https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale 2 comments elm
- ALE tries to -fix a temporary file with clang-tidy https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale 6 comments neovim
- Understanding/fixing VIM ALE config issue for Matlab files (or looking for alternatives) https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale 9 comments vim
Linking pages
- Why Kakoune · Andrey Listopadov https://andreyor.st/posts/2023-09-20-why-kakoune/ 112 comments
- GitHub - folke/tokyonight.nvim: 🏙 A clean, dark Neovim theme written in Lua, with support for lsp, treesitter and lots of plugins. Includes additional themes for Kitty, Alacritty, iTerm and Fish. https://github.com/folke/tokyonight.nvim 89 comments
- GitHub - projekt0n/github-nvim-theme: GitHub's Neovim themes https://github.com/projekt0n/github-nvim-theme 88 comments
- GitHub - bash-lsp/bash-language-server: A language server for Bash https://github.com/bash-lsp/bash-language-server 74 comments
- GitHub - joshdick/onedark.vim: A dark Vim/Neovim color scheme inspired by Atom's One Dark syntax theme. https://github.com/joshdick/onedark.vim 73 comments
- GitHub - bluz71/vim-moonfly-colors: A dark charcoal theme for classic Vim & modern Neovim https://github.com/bluz71/vim-moonfly-colors 49 comments
- GitHub - python/mypy: Optional static typing for Python https://github.com/JukkaL/mypy 47 comments
- GitHub - mgechev/revive: 🔥 ~6x faster, stricter, configurable, extensible, and beautiful drop-in replacement for golint https://github.com/mgechev/revive 45 comments
- GitHub - OmniSharp/omnisharp-vim: Vim omnicompletion (intellisense) and more for C# https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-vim 33 comments
- GitHub - vim-syntastic/syntastic: Syntax checking hacks for vim https://github.com/vim-syntastic/syntastic 29 comments
- Vim's useful lists — David Winterbottom https://codeinthehole.com/tips/vim-lists/ 26 comments
- Vimrc Configuration Guide - How to Customize Your Vim Code Editor with Mappings, Vimscript, Status Line, and More https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/vimrc-configuration-guide-customize-your-vim-editor/ 24 comments
- GitHub - yegappan/lsp: Language Server Protocol (LSP) plugin for Vim9 https://github.com/yegappan/lsp 24 comments
- Micro C, Part 0: Introduction – Joseph Morag https://blog.josephmorag.com/posts/mcc0/ 22 comments
- GitHub - adelarsq/vim-emoji-icon-theme: Emoji/Unicode Icons Theme for Vim and Neovim with support for 40+ plugins and 380+ filetypes 🎨🖤💙💛 https://github.com/adelarsq/vim-emoji-icon-theme 21 comments
- User Manual https://rust-analyzer.github.io/manual.html#rust-analyzer-language-server-binary 20 comments
- GitHub - prabirshrestha/asyncomplete.vim: async completion in pure vim script for vim8 and neovim https://github.com/prabirshrestha/asyncomplete.vim 19 comments
- GitHub - bluz71/vim-nightfly-colors: A dark midnight theme for classic Vim & modern Neovim https://github.com/bluz71/vim-nightfly-guicolors 18 comments
- GitHub - doums/darcula: A Vim color scheme reproduction of the official JetBrains IDE Darcula theme https://github.com/doums/darcula 18 comments
- GitHub - arp242/gopher.vim: A Vim plugin for the Go programming language https://github.com/arp242/gopher.vim 17 comments
Linked pages
- welcome home : vim online http://www.vim.org/ 709 comments
- GitHub - neoclide/coc.nvim: Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers. https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim 536 comments
- npm | Home https://www.npmjs.com/ 238 comments
- GitHub - neovim/nvim-lspconfig: Quickstart configs for Nvim LSP https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig 218 comments
- GitHub - junegunn/vim-plug: Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug 214 comments
- Langserver.org https://langserver.org/ 169 comments
- GitHub - itchyny/lightline.vim: A light and configurable statusline/tabline plugin for Vim https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim 70 comments
- GitHub - Shougo/deoplete.nvim: Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim/Vim8 https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim 59 comments
- GitHub - folke/lazy.nvim: 💤 A modern plugin manager for Neovim https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim#-migration-guide 48 comments
- GitHub - prabirshrestha/vim-lsp: async language server protocol plugin for vim and neovim https://github.com/prabirshrestha/vim-lsp 42 comments
- GitHub - vim-airline/vim-airline: lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline 27 comments
- GitHub - VundleVim/Vundle.vim: Vundle, the plug-in manager for Vim https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim 21 comments
- Home - Neovim https://neovim.io/ 11 comments
- GitHub - vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue: Official ESLint plugin for Vue.js https://github.com/vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue 10 comments
- Vim documentation: autocmd http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/autocmd.html#autocommand-events 5 comments
- Official page for Language Server Protocol https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/ 1 comment
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