- Automated UV unwrapping for large scenes https://casual-effects.com/data/ 3 comments graphicsprogramming
- Are these texture coordinates nonsense? https://casual-effects.com/data/ 13 comments graphicsprogramming
Linking pages
- GitHub - KTStephano/StratusGFX: Realtime 3D rendering engine https://github.com/KTStephano/StratusGFX 122 comments
- GitHub - turanszkij/WickedEngine: 3D engine with modern graphics https://github.com/turanszkij/wickedengine 96 comments
- GitHub - alipbcs/ZetaRay: A physically-based real-time renderer in Direct3D 12 https://github.com/alipbcs/ZetaRay 73 comments
- GitHub - karolek471/objgl: C Wavefront OBJ loader for OpenGL https://github.com/karolek471/objgl 55 comments
- Robust Wavefront OBJ model parsing in C https://nullprogram.com/blog/2025/03/02/ 54 comments
- GitHub - vedavamadathil/kobra: 3D Game Engine https://github.com/vedavamadathil/kobra 46 comments
- GitHub - guybrush77/rapidobj: A fast, header-only, C++17 library for parsing Wavefront .obj files. https://github.com/guybrush77/rapidobj 34 comments
- GitHub - Angelo1211/HybridRenderingEngine: Clustered Forward/Deferred renderer with Physically Based Shading, Image Based Lighting and a whole lot of OpenGL. https://github.com/Angelo1211/HybridRenderingEngine 10 comments
- GitHub - tinyobjloader/tinyobjloader: Tiny but powerful single file wavefront obj loader https://github.com/syoyo/tinyobjloader 10 comments
- GitHub - jan-van-bergen/GPU-Raytracer: GPU Raytracer from scratch in C++/CUDA https://github.com/jan-van-bergen/GPU-Raytracer 9 comments
- GitHub - jan-van-bergen/GPU-Raytracer: GPU Raytracer from scratch in C++/CUDA https://github.com/jan-van-bergen/GPU-Pathtracer 9 comments
- Comparing .obj parse libraries · Aras' website https://aras-p.info/blog/2022/05/14/comparing-obj-parse-libraries/ 4 comments
- glTF-Sample-Models/2.0/DragonAttenuation at master · KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models · GitHub https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models/tree/master/2.0/DragonAttenuation 4 comments
- GitHub - tinyobjloader/tinyobjloader: Tiny but powerful single file wavefront obj loader https://github.com/tinyobjloader/tinyobjloader 4 comments
- GitHub - burito/voxel: A Sparse Voxel Octtree Renderer that uses OpenGL and/or OpenCL. Builds on Windows, Linux & MacOS. Mac version currently broken. https://github.com/burito/voxel 3 comments
- GitHub - patriciogonzalezvivo/glslViewer: Console-based GLSL Sandbox for 2D/3D shaders https://github.com/patriciogonzalezvivo/glslViewer 1 comment
- GitHub - hi2p-perim/minpt: A path tracer in 300 lines of C++ https://github.com/hi2p-perim/minpt 1 comment
- GitHub - PacktPublishing/3D-Graphics-Rendering-Cookbook: 3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook, published by Packt. https://github.com/PacktPublishing/3D-Graphics-Rendering-Cookbook 1 comment
- GitHub - dannyfritz/awesome-ray-tracing: Curated list of ray tracing resources https://github.com/dannyfritz/awesome-ray-tracing 0 comments
- Speeding up Blender .obj import · Aras' website https://aras-p.info/blog/2022/05/12/speeding-up-blender-obj-import/ 0 comments
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