Python recap for week 11/2024
From toNewsletter sent every monday with a recap of articles, projects and tutorials from previous week.
Articles #
What's up, Python? The GIL removed, a new compiler, optparse deprecated... 588 comments in 4 discussions
Dada, an experimental language which stresses "no shared mutation" and appears suitable for exploratory and interactive use (like Python) 487 comments in 5 discussions
(How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (In Python)) (2010) 304 comments in 13 discussions
.NET 9 finally adds an IEnumerable.Index() function that gives you the index of each iteration/item, similar to enumerate in Python 100 comments in 1 discussion
Bython: Python with braces. Because Python is awesome, but whitespace is awful 89 comments in 1 discussion
Parsing URLs in Python 87 comments in 1 discussion
Show HN: PyKidos, Teach Your Kid Python in the Browser 57 comments in 1 discussion
Sandboxing Python with Win32 App Isolation 45 comments in 1 discussion
Go, Python, Rust, and production AI applications 34 comments in 2 discussions
Show HN: deptry 0.14.0 – detect unused Python dependencies up to 10 times faster 24 comments in 1 discussion
Switch from SQLAlchemy (SQLite) to MySQL (and do I really need to?) 13 comments in 1 discussion
Ruby is better than Python for Unix-like system administration 11 comments in 3 discussions
Email Testing with Python's smtpd Module 11 comments in 1 discussion
django-allauth: grand plans for 2024! 9 comments in 1 discussion
I think I have found my favourite backend for SvelteKit; Django's Djapy 7 comments in 2 discussions
Releases #
Django REST framework 3.15 released 13 comments in 1 discussion
De4py Python RE Toolkit: v1.0.8 has been released 9 comments in 3 discussions
Projects #
Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal 136 comments in 3 discussions
SQLglot: Python SQL Parser and Transpiler 135 comments in 4 discussions
PSA: New Python LSP that supports inlay hints and semantic highlighting has been added to lspconfig! 35 comments in 1 discussion
Taichi: Accessible GPU programming, embedded in Python 28 comments in 3 discussions
List of Python Libraries and Resources 18 comments in 2 discussions
Hosting Flask + Docker website 16 comments in 1 discussion
I've Developed a CV Builder app with DRF, Complete with Unit Testing! 12 comments in 1 discussion
sqlelf: Explore ELF objects through the power of SQL 10 comments in 1 discussion
File system DB for python 8 comments in 1 discussion
Visuafy - Spotify Visualiser Based On Flask 7 comments in 1 discussion
Videos #
Most Popular Backend Frameworks - 2012/2024 42 comments in 4 discussions
Airbnb clone - Fullstack Django and Next.js tutorial 9 comments in 2 discussions
Making a programming language with Python and LLVM 7 comments in 1 discussion
This is an archived issue from the Python newsletter.