Software Development recap for week 9/2025
From toNewsletter sent every monday with a recap of articles, projects and tutorials from previous week.
Articles #
Firefox adds terms of use 1988 comments in 6 discussions
It is no longer safe to move our governments and societies to US clouds 1218 comments in 4 discussions
C++ creator calls for help to defend programming language from 'serious attacks' 707 comments in 2 discussions
SafetyCore: new Android feature is scanning your photos for 'sensitive content' 688 comments in 4 discussions
What are kernel and user mode alerts on Windows? Analog to Unix signals 682 comments in 6 discussions
AI Killed The Tech Interview. Now What? 629 comments in 1 discussion
Why Ruby on Rails still matters 589 comments in 4 discussions
"A Philosophy of Software Design" vs "Clean Code" 576 comments in 4 discussions
OpenAI Researchers Find That Even the Best AI Is "Unable To Solve the Majority" of Coding Problems 529 comments in 2 discussions
A Road to Common Lisp / Steve Losh 489 comments in 13 discussions
I Went To SQL Injection Court 443 comments in 2 discussions
Building a BitTorrent client from the ground up in Go 383 comments in 8 discussions
EA just open sourced Command & Conquer, Red Alert, Renegade and Generals 381 comments in 2 discussions
I struggled with Git, so I'm making a game to spare others the pain 359 comments in 3 discussions
Why Clojure? 355 comments in 4 discussions
Releases #
C++20 modules converter - Importizer v2.0.0 released! 185 comments in 3 discussions
Fish shell 4.0 released 184 comments in 2 discussions
fish shell 4.0.0 released 136 comments in 3 discussions
Release of the C++ Memory safety (memsafe) single-header library and Clang compiler plugin for safe C++, which reduces errors for reference data types and safe memory management without breaking backwards compatibility with old C++ code. 87 comments in 2 discussions
Laravel 12 has been released! 78 comments in 1 discussion
I've just released v1.0 of Sprout, a multitenancy package for Laravel 55 comments in 2 discussions
Slint 1.10 Released (GUI crate) with Figma Plugin, Menus, and Live-Preview Data Editing 40 comments in 1 discussion
After years using semantic-release, I developed a lightweight alternative tailored for smaller projects – with no dependencies, customizable release notes, and an easy setup to streamline versioning and releases without the extra overhead. Which new features can I add? 26 comments in 5 discussions
Tempest alpha 5 is now released with PHP 8.4 support, improved console styling and components, Vite support, and much more 17 comments in 1 discussion
Protos: A Phlex component library built with DaisyUI, version 1.0 released. Updates Phlex to v2, and DaisyUI to v5 16 comments in 2 discussions
Projects #
Kreuzberg: Next Steps 169 comments in 3 discussions
MyDrive - Open Source Google Drive Clone (Node, Docker, Amazon S3, MongoDB) 152 comments in 5 discussions
Hyperswitch 2.0: It's been 2 years since we launched here, now a Modular Payments Solution – Pick what you need 123 comments in 3 discussions
AtomixDB: A persistent relational database built in Go. 114 comments in 2 discussions
Yes, its a full HTTPS Client for C , in a single File 105 comments in 1 discussion
A cross-platform multi-target dotfiles manager written in Rust 84 comments in 2 discussions
Soar – Distro Agnostic Package Manager, HomeBrew (LinuxBrew) Done Right 83 comments in 2 discussions
Introducing GoatDB: Real-Time, Collaborative State for React 81 comments in 7 discussions
Show HN: Tach – Visualize and untangle your Python codebase 76 comments in 3 discussions
Containers are bloated. BLAFS can cut up to 90% of the container size while removing tons of CVEs 75 comments in 3 discussions
Videos #
TypeScript types can run DOOM [video] 529 comments in 3 discussions
Modern software is NOT built to last 194 comments in 1 discussion
Microservices, Where Did It All Go Wrong • Ian Cooper 86 comments in 1 discussion
Microsoft is Getting Rusty: A Review of Successes and Challenges - Mark Russinovich, Rust Nation UK 81 comments in 2 discussions
Simple Vector Implementation in C 54 comments in 1 discussion
Programming a PS1 to play against a PS4 (C and Golang) 30 comments in 4 discussions
The Laravel VS Code Extension is (officially) HERE presented by Josh Cirre 24 comments in 1 discussion
This is an archived issue from the Software Development newsletter.