Hacker News
- I struggled with Git, so I'm making a game to spare others the pain https://initialcommit.com/blog/im-making-a-git-game 294 comments
- I struggled with Git, so I'm making a game to spare others the pain https://initialcommit.com/blog/im-making-a-git-game 5 comments games , programming , python , vcs
- I struggled with Git, so I'm making a game to spare others the pain https://initialcommit.com/blog/im-making-a-git-game 71 comments programming
Linked pages
- GitHub - StanislavPetrovV/DOOM-style-Game: DOOM-style 3D (raycasting) Game in Python Pygame https://github.com/StanislavPetrovV/DOOM-style-Game 9 comments
- GitHub - initialcommit-com/git-sim: Visually simulate Git operations in your own repos with a single terminal command. https://github.com/initialcommit-com/git-sim 1 comment
- GitHub - gitpython-developers/GitPython: GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories. https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython 0 comments
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