- Always on Display is a waste of energy... https://www.apple.com/environment/ 23 comments applewatch
- Apple Being Green and Environmentally-Friendly https://www.apple.com/environment/ 3 comments apple
- I really like the animations on Apple's environment, especially on desktop https://www.apple.com/uk/environment 3 comments web_design
- Apple releases 'Better' film about their environmental responsibility http://www.apple.com/environment/ 227 comments apple
Linking pages
- Apple’s new Mac mini is more mighty, more mini, and built for Apple Intelligence - Apple https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2024/10/apples-new-mac-mini-is-more-mighty-more-mini-and-built-for-apple-intelligence/ 3167 comments
- Apple Pledges to End Mining and Use 100% Recycled Materials for Products - MacRumors https://www.macrumors.com/2017/04/19/apple-recycled-materials-end-mining/ 1831 comments
- Buying a Bitcoin emits 195x as much CO₂ as buying an iPhone | by Yann Eves | Medium https://blog.yannev.es/buying-a-bitcoin-emits-195x-as-much-co%E2%82%82-as-buying-an-iphone-5c44ee719757 684 comments
- Apple commits to be 100 percent carbon neutral for its supply chain and products by 2030 - Apple (CA) https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2020/07/apple-commits-to-be-100-percent-carbon-neutral-for-its-supply-chain-and-products-by-2030/ 570 comments
- Introducing Apple Watch Series 10 - Apple https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2024/09/introducing-apple-watch-series-10/ 462 comments
- American Airlines gave its workers a raise. Wall Street freaked out. - Vox http://www.vox.com/new-money/2017/4/29/15471634/american-airlines-raise 453 comments
- Thoughts on Apple's 2030 Environmental Initiative https://open.substack.com/pub/introspectre/p/thoughts-on-apples-2030-environmental?r=cvl13 233 comments
- Apple Announces Next Step Towards Achieving 2030 Environmental Goal - MacRumors https://www.macrumors.com/2025/03/24/apple-funding-clean-energy-in-china/ 137 comments
- Apple's Data Centers Now Running on 100% Renewable Energy, Corporate Facilities at 75% - MacRumors http://www.macrumors.com/2013/03/21/apples-data-centers-now-running-on-100-renewable-energy-corporate-facilities-at-75/ 86 comments
- Apple falls from chamber over stance on climate http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=%2Fc%2Fa%2F2009%2F10%2F05%2Fbu2i19ude9.dtl 83 comments
- Apple quadruples iPhone recycling program, promotes environmental credentials on homepage - 9to5Mac https://9to5mac.com/2019/04/18/iphone-recycling-program/ 64 comments
- Apple expands the use of recycled materials across its products - Apple https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2022/04/apple-expands-the-use-of-recycled-materials-across-its-products/ 56 comments
- Apple says it cares about the climate. So why does it cost the earth to repair my Macbook? | Arwa Mahdawi | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/technology/commentisfree/2019/dec/04/apple-says-it-cares-about-the-climate-crisis-so-why-does-it-charge-so-much-to 52 comments
- Greenwashing the Retina MacBook Pro | WIRED http://www.wired.com/opinion/2012/10/apple-and-epeat-greenwashing/ 29 comments
- Apple's Wireless-Charging Patent Might Actually Free Us From Wires | WIRED http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2012/11/apple-wireless-charging-patent 20 comments
- Apple pulls products from green electronics registry | Ars Technica http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/07/apple-pulls-products-from-green-electronics-registry/ 10 comments
- Apple charges forward to 2030 carbon neutral goal, adding 9 gigawatts of clean power and doubling supplier commitments - Apple https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2021/10/apple-charges-forward-to-2030-carbon-neutral-goal-adding-9-gigawatts-of-clean-power-and-doubling-supplier-commitments/ 9 comments
- Apple launches new clean energy fund in China - Apple https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2018/07/apple-launches-new-clean-energy-fund-in-china/ 9 comments
- Apple offers free recycling of its products worldwide | Computerworld http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9247808/apple_offers_free_recycling_of_its_products_worldwide 5 comments
- Apple Celebrates Earth Day 2021 - Apple https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2021/04/apple-celebrates-earth-day-2021/ 4 comments
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