- Tim Cook stared down an anti-environment, climate denying group who challenged Apple’s increasingly green record, and told them to get lost. http://greenpeaceblogs.org/2014/03/02/apple-ceo-tim-cook-to-climate-denying-oil-industry-front-group-get-lost/ 13 comments apple
- Tim Cook stared down an anti-environment, climate denying group who challenged Apple’s increasingly green record, and told them to get lost. http://greenpeaceblogs.org/2014/03/02/apple-ceo-tim-cook-to-climate-denying-oil-industry-front-group-get-lost/ 10 comments politics
- Tim Cook stared down an anti-environment, climate denying group who challenged Apple’s increasingly green record, and told them to get lost. http://greenpeaceblogs.org/2014/03/02/apple-ceo-tim-cook-to-climate-denying-oil-industry-front-group-get-lost/ 49 comments technology
- Apple bows out of program for environment-minded products | Apple - CNET News http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-57468103-37/apple-bows-out-of-program-for-environment-minded-products/ 10 comments technology
- Apple Vision Pro Environments with their ambient spatial sounds https://twitter.com/m1astra/status/1734055600881873214?s=46 40 comments apple
- First Look at the Yosemite Environment for Apple Vision Pro https://x.com/m1astra/status/1729313266071982564 147 comments apple
- Can Apple’s HDR Augmented Reality Environments Solve Reflections For Neural Rendering? https://www.unite.ai/can-apples-hdr-augmented-reality-environments-solve-reflections-for-neural-rendering/ 9 comments apple
- Developing on Apple M1 Silicon with Virtual Environments https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/n973sc/developing_on_apple_m1_silicon_with_virtual/ 54 comments devops
- Apple should switch the iPhone to USB-C if it really wants to help the environment https://www.theverge.com/21522980/apple-iphone-12-pro-usb-c-lightning-environment-charger-box-electronic-waste 1596 comments apple
- The Lili that makes your Apple Watch more beautiful and environment friendly https://www.myhealthyapple.com/lili-makes-apple-watch-6-beautiful/ 3 comments apple
- Swift++, a fork of the Apple programming system which is intended to produce a Smalltalk-like compiler for the Swift environment. https://swiftpp.github.io 6 comments smalltalk
- Apple on the environment: Doing right for the planet is good for business https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/talkingtech/2019/04/11/apple-on-the-environment-doing-right-by-the-climate-is-good-for-business/3427400002/ 6 comments technology
- Apple on the environment: Doing right for the planet is good for business. https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/talkingtech/2019/04/11/apple-on-the-environment-doing-right-by-the-climate-is-good-for-business/3427400002/ 66 comments apple
- Is It Worth Working in a Apple Environment Over a Windows? https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/77aoeh/is_it_worth_working_in_a_apple_environment_over_a/ 20 comments sysadmin
- Apple patent describes using iMessage to talk to Siri in noisy or silent environments https://9to5mac.com/2017/05/11/apple-patent-siri-imessage-2/ 49 comments apple
- I really like the animations on Apple's environment, especially on desktop https://www.apple.com/uk/environment 3 comments web_design
- The Talk Show ✪: Ep. 188, With Special Guest Lisa Jackson - Apple’s vice president of Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives http://daringfireball.net/thetalkshow/2017/04/21/ep-188 34 comments apple
- Fedora 39 Asahi Linux relased for Apple Silicon Macs - Proudly offering KDE Plasma as their flagship desktop environment in a 100% Wayland experience https://asahilinux.org/fedora/ 10 comments kde
- Apple sees first profit miss in seven years, citing ‘challenging environment’ https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/feb/02/apple-revenue-drop-first-quarter-fiscal-year-2023 50 comments technology
- Apple Watch Activity Challenge for World Environment Day Kicks Off Tomorrow https://www.macrumors.com/2020/06/04/apple-watch-environment-day-activity-challenge/ 3 comments apple
- Apple Two-Step Authentication Is Out -- Must have for Corporate Environments https://support.apple.com/kb/HT5570 5 comments sysadmin
- Screenshots of the innovative Apple Dylan development environment http://osteele.com/museum/apple-dylan 3 comments programming
- Apple Store workers are young, dedicated, and not paid all that well. How Apple went about creating their unique retail environment. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/24/business/apple-store-workers-loyal-but-short-on-pay.html?pagewanted=1 26 comments technology
- Former Apple Designer Creates Spatial Computing Environment https://youtu.be/-80VsIdAHZw?t=262 7 comments apple
- Leaked Apple emails reveal employees' complaints about sexist, toxic work environment https://mic.com/articles/154169/leaked-apple-emails-reveal-employees-complaints-about-sexist-toxic-work-environment 12 comments apple
- Apple has submitted a new patent according to Patently Apple for a AR headset with an adjustable opacity and a transparent display. Reportedly, it will react to the light & environment to allow computer generated graphics to be overlaid on top of real world objects. https://twitter.com/appleterminal/status/1187319488137617410?s=21 41 comments apple
- Commerce Minister meets with Apple CEO, promising better, more transparent business environment https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202303/1288069.shtml 6 comments apple
- pongoOS (pre-boot execution environment for Apple boards built on top of checkra1n) is now fully open source https://github.com/checkra1n/pongoOS 2 comments lowlevel
- We haven't figured out yet what is causing the /r/qb64 macOS issue but we've narrowed it down to glViewport() and high dpi displays being standard in Apple's environments. If you have a clue or know someone who does, please get us in touch https://github.com/Galleondragon/qb64/issues/76 20 comments opengl
- Life and death in Apple’s forbidden city: "...a high-pressure working environment where exploitation is routine and where depression and suicide have become normalized." https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/jun/18/foxconn-life-death-forbidden-city-longhua-suicide-apple-iphone-brian-merchant-one-device-extract 25 comments technology
- Google's AI Learns Betrayal and "Aggressive" Actions Pay Off: "Less aggressive policies emerge from learning in relatively abundant environments with less possibility for costly action. The greed motivation reflects the temptation to take out a rival and collect all the apples oneself" http://bigthink.com/paul-ratner/googles-deepmind-ai-displays-highly-aggressive-human-like-behavior-in-tests 3 comments science
- Everyone can code: Apple’s attempt to make coding commonplace (developer, Jordan Smith, reviews *Swift Playgrounds*: ‘The result is a guided, focused learning environment that really works.’) http://jordansmith.io/everyone-can-code/ 16 comments apple
- Apple : Couldn’t find better use of the sticker than spread awareness. (Removes the important charger but add 2 shitty plastic sticker in box will save environment a lot). https://www.reddit.com/r/applesucks/comments/yggwvm/couldnt_find_better_use_of_the_sticker_than/?utm_name=iossmf 3 comments environment
- TL;DR: Apple has created a hostile environment for their employees mental health and well being through a slew of policies designed to invade your privacy and allow customers free reign to be abusive. If and when you seek to get yourself help, they will find anyway to get rid of the “problem”. None 19 comments technology
- Tim Cook Faces Surprising Employee Unrest at Apple. Hundreds of current and former Apple workers are complaining about their work environment, a rarity for the once tight-lipped company. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/17/technology/apple-employee-unrest.html 112 comments technology
- Tim Cook Faces Surprising Employee Unrest at Apple. Hundreds of current and former Apple workers are complaining about their work environment, a rarity for the once tight-lipped company. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/17/technology/apple-employee-unrest.html 1453 comments apple
- Flutter | CICD | GitHub Actions - Repository Secrets #2 Learn to setup your flutter project CI/CD with GitHub Actions. Configure DEV, QA, and PROD environment. Deploy to Firebase app distribution, TestFlight, Google BetaTest, Apple Store , Google Play Store. https://youtu.be/ju4ACqyIh84 0 comments flutterdev
- Tim Cook: At Apple, we proudly stand with all trans and gender non-conforming people, and we are deeply committed to building an inclusive environment — and a better world — where everyone feels they belong. #TransDayOfVisibility https://twitter.com/tim_cook/status/1641906885531152384?s=46&t=07h3TQRDSTghrz-HhgTNpQ 301 comments apple
- Cheap battery replacements reduce short term revenue but the fact that it increases the life of iPhones should speak to the capability of iOS to stay performant over time. This is great for consumers and the environment. How could Apple leverage this metric to improve its bottom line? https://www.theverge.com/2019/1/2/18165866/apple-iphone-sales-cheap-battery-replacement?fbclid=iwar2ebzq3d8zdh1-r_f7dzx84bhsnahvkeaoqmopsskuc2kcf5ukjbebr-bk 15 comments apple
- While Bitcoin gets a lot of stick for its high energy usage, not every blockchain project is causing problems for the environment. On the contrary, there are many projects that are actively helping to improve it, one of them being Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak’s Efforce. https://www.financemagnates.com/thought-leadership/steve-wozniaks-eeforce-shows-promise-as-two-energy-savings-projects-take-off/ 14 comments economy