- Official Python software package repository flooded with spam https://www.tectalk.co/official-python-software-package-repository-flooded-with-spam/ 4 comments python
- Official Python software package repository flooded with spam https://www.tectalk.co/official-python-software-package-repository-flooded-with-spam/ 84 comments programming
Linked pages
- Spammers flood PyPI with pirated movie links and bogus packages https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/spammers-flood-pypi-with-pirated-movie-links-and-bogus-packages/ 112 comments
- Python turns 30: Meet the man that helps keep the programming language on track | TechRadar https://www.techradar.com/uk/news/python-turns-30-meet-the-man-tasked-with-keeping-the-programming-language-on-track 8 comments
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