Hacker News
- JPMorgans Athena has 35M lines of Python and wont be updated to Python 3 in time https://www.techrepublic.com/article/jpmorgans-athena-has-35-million-lines-of-python-code-and-wont-be-updated-to-python-3-in-time/ 2 comments
- JPMorgan's Athena has 35M lines of Python code, won't make upgrade deadline https://www.techrepublic.com/article/jpmorgans-athena-has-35-million-lines-of-python-code-and-wont-be-updated-to-python-3-in-time/ 8 comments
- JPMorgan's Athena has 35M lines of Python 2 code, and won't be updated in time https://www.techrepublic.com/article/jpmorgans-athena-has-35-million-lines-of-python-code-and-wont-be-updated-to-python-3-in-time/ 3 comments
- JPMorgan's Athena has 35 million lines of Python code, and won't be updated to Python 3 in time https://www.techrepublic.com/article/jpmorgans-athena-has-35-million-lines-of-python-code-and-wont-be-updated-to-python-3-in-time/ 153 comments programming
Linking pages
- You Don't Have to Migrate to Python 3 https://switowski.com/blog/you-dont-have-to-migrate-to-python3 5 comments
- 145: No more Richard Stallman (or his ilk), spying in tech, apps at AWS, Istio 1.13, SSH certificates, Kubernetes issues with iptables, and more - DevOps'ish https://devopsish.com/145/ 2 comments
- 30+ Companies Using Python by Domain — Python Use Cases https://www.softkraft.co/companies-using-python/ 0 comments
- How is Python Used in Finance? — Python Applications in Finance https://www.softkraft.co/how-is-python-used-in-finance/ 0 comments
- Coiled: Dask for Everyone, Everywhere | by Matthew Rocklin | Coiled | Medium https://medium.com/coiled-hq/coiled-dask-for-everyone-everywhere-376f5de0eff4 0 comments
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