Hacker News
- What do you think about this approach to safe c++? https://safecpp.org/draft.html 96 comments rust
- Safe C++ - a memory safe C++ proposal https://safecpp.org/draft.html 77 comments programming
- Safe C++ https://safecpp.org/draft.html 25 comments programminglanguages
Linking pages
- The two factions of C++ | MONDâTECH MAGAZINE https://herecomesthemoon.net/2024/11/two-factions-of-cpp/ 1006 comments
- Legacy Safety: The Wrocław C++ Meeting | cor3ntin https://cor3ntin.github.io/posts/profiles/ 298 comments
- Smart Pointers Can't Solve Use-After-Free in C++ https://jacko.io/smart_pointers.html 181 comments
- Safe C++ Partnership | The C++ Alliance https://cppalliance.org/vinnie/2024/09/12/Safe-Cpp-Partnership.html 172 comments
- Memory safety and network security - Tempesta Technologies https://tempesta-tech.com/blog/memory-safety-and-network-security/ 82 comments