Hacker News
- "Safe" C++ https://izzys.casa/2024/11/on-safe-cxx/ 3 comments
- Safe C++ https://safecpp.org/draft.html 68 comments
- The empire of C++ strikes back with Safe C++ blueprint https://www.theregister.com/2024/09/16/safe_c_plusplus/ 2 comments
- CXX – safe interop between Rust and C++ https://cxx.rs/ 76 comments
- Scpptool – a tool to enforce a memory and data race safe subset of C++ https://github.com/duneroadrunner/scpptool 11 comments
- Will C++ Become a Safe Language Like Rust and Others? https://www.infoq.com/news/2024/04/cpp-memory-safety-sutter/ 3 comments
- Windows Implementation Libraries: type-safe C++ interfaces for Windows patterns https://github.com/Microsoft/wil 25 comments
- Easy Type-Safe Integer Types In C++ https://jens.mooseyard.com/2021/09/16/easy-type-safe-integer-types-in-c-/ 10 comments c++
- Safe C++ Partnership https://cppalliance.org/vinnie/2024/09/12/Safe-Cpp-Partnership.html 18 comments programming
- Safe C++ https://safecpp.org/draft.html 25 comments programminglanguages
- Type-safe Bitmasks in C++ https://gpfault.net/posts/typesafe-bitmasks.txt.html 23 comments cpp
- Type-safe unions in C++ and Rust http://genbattle.bitbucket.org/blog/2016/10/07/type-safe-unions-in-c-and-rust/ 28 comments rust
- Type-safe unions in C++ and Rust http://genbattle.bitbucket.org/blog/2016/10/07/type-safe-unions-in-c-and-rust/ 27 comments programming
- "Safe C++ Subset" Is Vapourware http://robert.ocallahan.org/2016/06/safe-c-subset-is-vapourware.html 46 comments cpp
- "Safe C++ Subset" Is Vapourware http://robert.ocallahan.org/2016/06/safe-c-subset-is-vapourware.html 157 comments programming
- Safe bitfields in C++ http://preshing.com/20150324/safe-bitfields-in-cpp/ 3 comments programming
- Safe Bitfields in C++ http://preshing.com/20150324/safe-bitfields-in-cpp/ 39 comments cpp
- Type-Safe Raytracing in Modern C++ https://ajeetdsouza.github.io/blog/posts/type-safe-raytracing-in-modern-cpp/ 44 comments cpp
- A Usable C++ Dialect that is Safe Against Memory Corruption http://ithare.com/a-usable-c-dialect-that-is-safe-against-memory-corruption/ 17 comments cpp
- Type-safe typedefs (aka Haskell newtype) in C++ http://www.ilikebigbits.com/blog/2014/5/6/type-safe-identifiers-in-c 9 comments programming
- Safe C++ - a memory safe C++ proposal https://safecpp.org/draft.html 77 comments programming
- Embracing Modern C++ Safely, Book Review https://www.cppstories.com/2022/embracing-modern-cpp-book/ 18 comments cpp
- CXX — safe interop between Rust and C++ https://cxx.rs/ 25 comments rust
- Will C++ ever be as safe as Rust? Does The Standard even care? https://neosmart.net/blog/2018/modern-c-isnt-memory-safe/ 346 comments programming
- CXX — safe FFI between Rust and C++ https://github.com/dtolnay/cxx 17 comments programming
- Generic, type-safe delegates and events in C++ http://blog.molecular-matters.com/2011/09/19/generic-type-safe-delegates-and-events-in-c/ 11 comments programming
- Is it safe to use the error handling features of C++ with Rcpp? https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/cpp11/vignettes/motivations.html 3 comments rstats
- Bjarne Stroustrup: Type and Resource-safe C++ [starts about 1 hour] http://bss.sch.bme.hu/video/bjarne-stroustrup-type-and-resource-safe-c 4 comments cpp
- Bjarne removes Rust from NSA's list of memory safe alternatives to C++ https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=101s&v=eo-4ZSLn3jc 6 comments cplusplus
- TheLartians/modern-wasm-starter - Run C++ code on web! A starter template to easily create WebAssembly projects using type-safe C++ code and automatic TypeScript declarations. https://github.com/thelartians/modern-wasm-starter 14 comments cpp
- Thread Safe Template Library (TSTL): a C++ library that provides thread-safe containers with high grade of locking. http://freecode.com/projects/tstl 4 comments cpp
- "Safe C++ is A new Proposal to Make C++ Memory-Safe" https://www.infoq.com/news/2024/10/safe-cpp-proposal/ 12 comments cplusplus
- Introducing a Memory-Safe Successor Language in Large C++ Code Bases - CppNow 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgivCGdmFrw 39 comments cpp
- Video: safely copying, moving, and destroying objects in Modern C++ with the rule of "all or nothing" https://youtu.be/una89pkP9ms 3 comments cpp
- bitflags v1.2.0 - single-header C++ library for easily managing set of auto-generated type-safe flags https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/isekmx/bitflags_v120_singleheader_c_library_for_easily/ 30 comments cpp
- CrissCross: cross platform C++ library for thread-safe console/file I/O, CPU identification, and sockets http://code.google.com/p/crisscross/ 7 comments programming
- The empire of C++ strikes back with Safe C++ blueprint: « After two years of being beaten with the memory-safety stick, the C++ community has published a proposal to help developers write less vulnerable code. » https://www.theregister.com/2024/09/16/safe_c_plusplus/ 156 comments programming
- My IO library: fast_io library is a C++ io exception-safe RAII library based on Concepts TS and much faster than cstdio than iostream. https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/cvypub/my_io_library_fast_io_library_is_a_c_io/ 49 comments cpp
- Modern C++ isn't memory safe: how recent language updates fix some safety issues but introduce others https://neosmart.net/blog/2018/modern-c-isnt-memory-safe/ 77 comments programming
- Modern C++ isn't memory safe: recent language updates fix some problems, introduce others https://neosmart.net/blog/2018/modern-c-isnt-memory-safe/#more-4403 27 comments rust