- Distributed Phoenix Chat using Redis PubSub https://www.poeticoding.com/distributed-phoenix-chat-using-redis-pubsub/ 2 comments education , elixir
- Distributed Phoenix Chat using Redis PubSub https://www.poeticoding.com/distributed-phoenix-chat-using-redis-pubsub/?utm_source=reddit&utm_campaign=reddit_erlang_350 3 comments erlang
Linking pages
- Create a High-Availability Kubernetes Cluster on AWS with Kops | by Alvise Susmel | ITNEXT https://medium.com/@asusmel/c12c6cd4f976 23 comments
- Create a High-Availability Kubernetes Cluster on AWS with Kops https://www.poeticoding.com/create-a-high-availability-kubernetes-cluster-on-aws-with-kops/?amp%3Butm_campaign=reddit_elixir_238 3 comments
- Distributed Phoenix Chat with PubSub PG2 adapter https://www.poeticoding.com/distributed-phoenix-chat-with-pubsub-pg2-adapter/ 1 comment
- Create a High-Availability Kubernetes Cluster on AWS with Kops https://www.poeticoding.com/create-a-high-availability-kubernetes-cluster-on-aws-with-kops/ 0 comments
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