- Need some help with understanding the "block" Example in go templates https://pkg.go.dev/text/template#Template 3 comments golang
Linking pages
- What I'd like to see in Go 2.0 | Seth Vargo https://www.sethvargo.com/what-id-like-to-see-in-go-2/ 381 comments
- Exploring Typst, a new typesetting system similar to LaTeX - jreyesr's blog https://blog.jreyesr.com/posts/typst/ 247 comments
- The cost of Go's panic and recover :: jub0bs.com https://jub0bs.com/posts/2025-02-28-cost-of-panic-recover/ 206 comments
- Yoke is really cool - Xe Iaso https://xeiaso.net/blog/2025/yoke-k8s/ 195 comments
- I made JSX for Lua (because I hate static sites) | Ben Visness https://bvisness.me/luax/ 133 comments
- GitHub - offen/docker-volume-backup: Backup Docker volumes locally or to any S3, WebDAV or SSH compatible storage https://github.com/offen/docker-volume-backup 111 comments
- GitHub - dlvhdr/gh-dash: A beautiful CLI dashboard for GitHub 🚀 https://github.com/dlvhdr/gh-dash 92 comments
- You can contribute to KDE with non-C++ code :: rabbiticTranslator https://rabbitictranslator.com/contribute-to-kde-without-cpp/ 73 comments
- GitHub - getgort/gort: Gort is a chatbot framework designed from the ground up for chatops. https://github.com/getgort/gort 38 comments
- GitHub - yaitoo/xun: Xun is an HTTP web framework built on Go's built-in html/template and net/http package’s router (1.22). https://github.com/yaitoo/xun 38 comments
- GitHub - switchupcb/copygen: Go generator to copy values from type to type and fields from struct to struct (copier without reflection). Generate any code based on types. https://github.com/switchupcb/copygen#readme 33 comments
- GitHub - abiosoft/mold: Abstracting Go templates for the rest of us https://github.com/abiosoft/mold 25 comments
- GitHub - anchore/grype: A vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems https://github.com/anchore/grype 24 comments
- GitHub - sanggonlee/gosq: Simplicity-focused, template based SQL query builder https://github.com/sanggonlee/gosq 19 comments
- GitHub - kbrew-dev/kbrew: kbrew is homebrew for Kubernetes https://github.com/kbrew-dev/kbrew 18 comments
- GitHub - g6ai/dotfiles: My dotfiles for Bash/Zsh, Vim/Neovim, Doom Emacs, tmux, Git, terminal emulators, JupyterLab, aria2, mpv, Nix and Homebrew https://github.com/g6ai/dotfiles 17 comments
- GitHub - swaggo/swag: Automatically generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger 2.0 for Go. https://github.com/swaggo/swag 16 comments
- GitHub - xo/xo: Command line tool to generate idiomatic Go code for SQL databases supporting PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server https://github.com/knq/xo 16 comments
- The ElasticSearch Rant - Xe Iaso https://xeiaso.net/blog/elasticsearch 16 comments
- Understanding HTML templates in Go (golang) | lu4p's blog https://blog.lu4p.xyz/posts/golang-template-turbo/ 15 comments
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