- OpenAPI codegen in go applications https://github.com/swaggo/swag 12 comments golang
- swaggo - how to remove the "Bearer" prefix on application flow https://github.com/swaggo/swag 2 comments golang
Linking pages
- The ecosystem of the Go programming language | Henrique Vicente https://henvic.dev/posts/go/ 262 comments
- GitHub - learning-cloud-native-go/myapp: 🚀 How to build a Dockerized RESTful API application using Go. https://github.com/learning-cloud-native-go/myapp 25 comments
- GitHub - evrone/go-clean-template: Clean Architecture template for Golang services https://github.com/evrone/go-clean-template 15 comments
- GitHub - zhufuyi/sponge: Sponge is a powerful Go development framework, it's easy to develop web and microservice projects. https://github.com/zhufuyi/sponge 15 comments
- GitHub - VPavliashvili/bookStore: Simple REST api for educational purposes. Emphasizing on standard library https://github.com/VPavliashvili/bookStore 15 comments
- GitHub - Harry-027/go-notify: An email automation solution, written in Golang. https://github.com/harry-027/go-notify 8 comments
- GitHub - dammerung2718/go-monolith-template https://github.com/dammerung2718/go-monolith-template 8 comments
- My Contribution to a Popular Open-Source Package Caused a Panic in Golang Projects | by Emre Savcı | ITNEXT https://mstryoda.medium.com/my-contribution-to-a-popular-open-source-package-caused-a-panic-in-golang-projects-4d34394df4cf?sk=45c132733684c6f0ad884b10177743bb&source=friends_link 7 comments
- GitHub - go-chai/chai: chai - type safe http handlers with automatic swagger generation https://github.com/go-chai/chai 6 comments
- GitHub - RiverDave/ADVision-API: Transform Images into Actionable Insights. Upload an image and get organized data instantly. Fast, clear, and insightful. https://github.com/RiverDave/ADVision-API 4 comments
- GitHub - swaggo/echo-swagger: echo middleware to automatically generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger 2.0. https://github.com/swaggo/echo-swagger 2 comments
- Router, routes and OpenAPI specification · Learning Cloud Native Go https://learning-cloud-native-go.github.io/docs/router-routes-and-openapi-specification/ 2 comments
- OpenAPI Generator For Go Web Development | Kevin Hu's Blog https://blog.kevinhu.me/2022/09/03/03-openapi-generator/ 1 comment
- GitHub - datarhei/core: datarhei Core is management for FFmpeg processes without development effort. Whether your streaming has one viewer or a million, we have the tools to help you develop, deploy and manage any video project at any stage. We've solved the challenging problems so you can focus on your application, not your infrastructure. https://github.com/datarhei/core 1 comment
- GitHub - ShoshinNikita/budget-manager: Easy-to-use, lightweight and self-hosted solution to track your finances https://github.com/ShoshinNikita/budget-manager 1 comment
- GitHub - go-nunu/nunu: A CLI tool for building Go applications. https://github.com/go-nunu/nunu 1 comment
- Setting Up Swagger Docs for Golang API | by Martin Heinz | Towards Data Science https://towardsdatascience.com/setting-up-swagger-docs-for-golang-api-8d0442263641 0 comments
- REST Servers in Go: Part 4 - using OpenAPI and Swagger - Eli Bendersky's website https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2021/rest-servers-in-go-part-4-using-openapi-and-swagger/ 0 comments
- How to write a Go API: The Ultimate Guide · Jonny Langefeld https://jonnylangefeld.com/blog/how-to-write-a-go-api-the-ultimate-guide 0 comments
- GitHub - DLzer/go-echo-boilerplate: Boilerplate code for a Go Echo API https://github.com/DLzer/go-echo-boilerplate 0 comments
Linked pages
- Example Domain http://www.example.com 1579 comments
- Downloads - The Go Programming Language http://golang.org/dl/ 332 comments
- Features • GitHub Actions · GitHub https://github.com/features/actions 7 comments
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 7 comments
- template package - text/template - Go Packages https://pkg.go.dev/text/template#Template 3 comments
- GitHub - swaggo/echo-swagger: echo middleware to automatically generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger 2.0. https://github.com/swaggo/echo-swagger 2 comments
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