Hacker News
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- GitHub - soimort/you-get: Dumb downloader that scrapes the web https://github.com/soimort/you-get 147 comments
- How I stopped worrying and loved Makefiles | Tom's Blog https://gagor.pro/2024/02/how-i-stopped-worrying-and-loved-makefiles/ 140 comments
- One Does Not Simply 'pip install' — Ian Wootten https://www.ianwootten.co.uk/2023/02/17/one-does-not-simply-pip-install/ 115 comments
- A not so unfortunate sharp edge in Pipenv :: dade https://0xda.de/blog/2022/12/a-not-so-unfortunate-sharp-edge-in-pipenv/ 72 comments
- GitHub - linux-cultist/venv-selector.nvim: Allows selection of python virtual environment from within neovim https://github.com/linux-cultist/venv-selector.nvim 24 comments
- GitHub - geru-scotland/pylib-atlas: A curated list with useful Python programming tools and libraries, as well as other noteworthy resources. https://github.com/geru-scotland/pylib-atlas 18 comments
- Proposal for a Django project template | David Guillot https://david.guillot.me/en/posts/tech/proposal-for-a-django-project-template/ 15 comments
- GitHub - ml-tooling/ml-workspace: 🛠 All-in-one web-based IDE specialized for machine learning and data science. https://github.com/ml-tooling/ml-workspace 10 comments
- GitHub - cwithmichael/breakzip: BruteForce PKZip/ZipCrypto breaker https://github.com/cwithmichael/breakzip 9 comments
- Why I still Recommend the Julia Programming Language | by Erik Engheim | ITNEXT https://erik-engheim.medium.com/why-i-still-recommend-the-julia-programming-language-d2b84a747a5c?sk=e44a4011629ecd4d6108b8050541bb0d 8 comments
- GitHub - TGoddessana/flask-moreshell: flask shell with IPython, BPython, PTPython! https://github.com/TGoddessana/flask-moreshell 6 comments
- GitHub - tuanchauict/MonoSketch: MonoSketch is a powerful ASCII sketching and diagramming app that lets you effortlessly transform your ideas into visually stunning designs. https://github.com/tuanchauict/MonoSketch 6 comments
- GitHub - zaataylor/rich-hn: A Hacker News CLI reader app https://github.com/zaataylor/rich-hn 5 comments
- GitHub - DjangoEx/python-engineer-roadmap: Python Engineer Roadmap https://github.com/DjangoEx/python-engineer-roadmap 5 comments
- An Opinionated Python Setup Guide for Mac | by Evin Sellin | Dec, 2022 | Medium https://evinsellin.medium.com/an-opinionated-python-setup-for-mac-2021215dba8f 5 comments
- GitHub - dustalov/ballcone: Ballcone is a fast and lightweight server-side Web analytics solution. https://github.com/dustalov/ballcone 4 comments
- I am so grateful that PyPI authors develop libraries for human beings | thee brane ov…. https://may69.com/pypi-for-humans/ 4 comments
- Python Criticism from a Julia Perspective | by Erik Engheim | ITNEXT https://erik-engheim.medium.com/python-criticism-from-a-julia-perspective-f6613dfdd2b1?sk=a1cb8fe08c3e0de38dd8c96af8b8080c 3 comments
- GitHub - PiotrRut/BetterGitCLI: GitHub CLI with keyboard control for easy account management 🐚 https://github.com/PiotrRut/BetterGitCLI 2 comments
- Building a Django web application with authentication and file uploading | by Fedor Bystrov | Medium https://medium.com/@the-fedor/building-a-django-web-application-with-authentication-and-file-uploading-9154eb09f45c 2 comments
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