Hacker News
- Using loaded dice to cheat at Settlers of Catan, and p-values to avoid suspicion https://izbicki.me/blog/how-to-cheat-at-settlers-of-catan-by-loading-the-dice-and-prove-it-with-p-values.html 103 comments
- Using settlers of catan and loaded dice to explain p-values and their flaws https://izbicki.me/blog/how-to-cheat-at-settlers-of-catan-by-loading-the-dice-and-prove-it-with-p-values.html 8 comments math
- I wrote a blog post about using settlers of catan and loaded dice to explain p-values and their flaws https://izbicki.me/blog/how-to-cheat-at-settlers-of-catan-by-loading-the-dice-and-prove-it-with-p-values.html 46 comments statistics
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