Hacker News
- How to create an unfair coin and prove it with math (2011) https://izbicki.me/blog/how-to-create-an-unfair-coin-and-prove-it-with-math.html 10 comments
- Teaching open-source software in North Korea https://izbicki.me/blog/teaching-open-source-in-north-korea.html 103 comments
- Using loaded dice to cheat at Settlers of Catan, and p-values to avoid suspicion https://izbicki.me/blog/how-to-cheat-at-settlers-of-catan-by-loading-the-dice-and-prove-it-with-p-values.html 103 comments
- Gaussian distributions form a monoid https://izbicki.me/blog/gausian-distributions-are-monoids 14 comments
- Show HN: My weekend project was forging an AK47 into a soup ladle http://izbicki.me/blog/turning-an-ak-47-into-a-serving-ladle 7 comments
- Nuclear weapon statistics using monoids, groups, and vector spaces in Haskell http://izbicki.me/blog/nuclear-weapon-statistics-using-monoids-groups-and-modules-in-haskell 23 comments
- Gaussian distributions are monoids and why machine learning experts should care http://izbicki.me/blog/gausian-distributions-are-monoids 31 comments
- How we serve 150 free meals every week for less than $30 http://izbicki.me/blog/how-i-serve-150-free-lunches-for-less-than-20-cents-each-using-homebrew-equipment 5 comments
- How to create a biased coin and prove it with math http://izbicki.me/blog/how-to-create-an-unfair-coin-and-prove-it-with-math 20 comments
- Teaching Open Source Software in North Korea https://izbicki.me/blog/teaching-open-source-in-north-korea.html 137 comments linux
- Teaching Open Source Software in North Korea https://izbicki.me/blog/teaching-open-source-in-north-korea.html 14 comments programming
- Using settlers of catan and loaded dice to explain p-values and their flaws https://izbicki.me/blog/how-to-cheat-at-settlers-of-catan-by-loading-the-dice-and-prove-it-with-p-values.html 8 comments math
- I wrote a blog post about using settlers of catan and loaded dice to explain p-values and their flaws https://izbicki.me/blog/how-to-cheat-at-settlers-of-catan-by-loading-the-dice-and-prove-it-with-p-values.html 46 comments statistics
- Gausian distributions form a monoid https://izbicki.me/blog/gausian-distributions-are-monoids 5 comments math
- Fast Nearest Neighbor Queries in Haskell https://izbicki.me/blog/fast-nearest-neighbor-queries-in-haskell.html 13 comments haskell
- Beginner error messages in C++ vs Haskell https://izbicki.me/blog/error-messages-in-ghc-vs-g++.html 65 comments haskell
- Comparing AVL Trees in C++ and Haskell https://izbicki.me/blog/avl-tree-runtimes-c%2B%2B-vs-haskell.html 21 comments haskell
- Comparing AVL Trees in C++ and Haskell https://izbicki.me/blog/avl-tree-runtimes-c%2B%2B-vs-haskell.html 14 comments programming
- Check out my blog post: Polymorphism in Haskell vs C++ https://izbicki.me/blog/polymorphism-in-haskell-vs-c%2B%2B.html 9 comments haskell
- Tying the type knot gives us theorems for cheap http://izbicki.me/blog/tying-the-type-knot-gives-us-theorems-for-cheap 10 comments haskell
- do your lenses even do notation? http://izbicki.me/blog/do-your-lenses-even-do-notation 9 comments haskell
- The type lens laws (or how to promote quickcheck and rewrite rules to the type level) http://izbicki.me/blog/the-type-lens-laws 2 comments haskell
- lens you an applicative for great haskell? http://izbicki.me/blog/lens-you-an-applicative-for-great-haskell 10 comments haskell
- I got lenses in my Functor http://izbicki.me/blog/i-got-lenses-in-my-functors 36 comments haskell
- Functors and monads for analyzing data http://izbicki.me/blog/functors-and-monads-for-analyzing-data 16 comments haskell
- HLearn implements more with 6 trivial lines of Haskell than Weka implements with over 100 complex lines of Java http://izbicki.me/blog/hlearns-code-is-shorter-and-clearer-than-wekas 9 comments haskell
- Haskell's HLearn library cross-validates more than 400x faster than Weka due to new monoid based algorithm http://izbicki.me/blog/hlearn-cross-validates-400x-faster-than-weka 4 comments statistics
- Haskell's HLearn library cross-validates more than 400x faster than Java's Weka due to new monoid based algorithm http://izbicki.me/blog/hlearn-cross-validates-400x-faster-than-weka 13 comments haskell
- Haskell's HLearn library cross-validates more than 400x faster than Java's Weka library due to new monoid based algorithm http://izbicki.me/blog/hlearn-cross-validates-400x-faster-than-weka 24 comments programming
- Tutorial on using Haskell's HLearn library for Markov networks using Futurama example http://izbicki.me/blog/markov-networks-monoids-and-futurama 5 comments statistics
- Tutorial on HLearn's Markov networks, monoids, and "type level lenses" explained with Futurama http://izbicki.me/blog/markov-networks-monoids-and-futurama 10 comments haskell
- The categorical distribution is a monoid (and why all programmers should care) http://izbicki.me/blog/the-categorical-distributions-algebraic-structure 22 comments programming
- The categorical distribution's algebraic structure http://izbicki.me/blog/the-categorical-distributions-algebraic-structure 6 comments haskell
- Calculating real world nuclear weapon statistics using monoids, groups, and modules with Haskell's HLearn library http://izbicki.me/blog/nuclear-weapon-statistics-using-monoids-groups-and-modules-in-haskell 3 comments statistics
- Calculating real world statistics about nuclear weapons using monoids, groups, and modules with Haskell's machine learning library (HLearn) http://izbicki.me/blog/nuclear-weapon-statistics-using-monoids-groups-and-modules-in-haskell 6 comments programming
- Calculating real-world statistics about nuclear weapons using monoids, groups, and modules with the HLearn library in Haskell http://izbicki.me/blog/nuclear-weapon-statistics-using-monoids-groups-and-modules-in-haskell 9 comments haskell
- Gaussian distributions form a monoid, and why machine learning experts should care http://izbicki.me/blog/gausian-distributions-are-monoids 67 comments programming
- Gaussian distributions are monoids http://izbicki.me/blog/gausian-distributions-are-monoids 24 comments haskell
- TIL Apple is involved in 10x fewer lawsuits than Microsoft or Google, and is twice their size http://izbicki.me/blog/measuring-corporate-evilness-by-scraping-litigation-results-from-google-scholar 111 comments apple
- How to create an unfair coin and prove it with math http://izbicki.me/blog/how-to-create-an-unfair-coin-and-prove-it-with-math 5 comments math