Hacker News
- Carbon is not a programming language (sort of) https://herecomesthemoon.net/2025/02/carbon-is-not-a-language/ 97 comments
- Carbon is not a programming language (sort of) https://herecomesthemoon.net/2025/02/carbon-is-not-a-language/ 29 comments c++
- Carbon is not a programming language (sort of) https://herecomesthemoon.net/2025/02/carbon-is-not-a-language/ 64 comments rust
- Carbon is not a programming language (sort of) https://herecomesthemoon.net/2025/02/carbon-is-not-a-language/ 25 comments programming
- Carbon is not a programming language (sort of) https://herecomesthemoon.net/2025/02/carbon-is-not-a-language/ 25 comments programminglanguages
- Carbon is not a programming language (sort of) https://herecomesthemoon.net/2025/02/carbon-is-not-a-language/ 66 comments cpp
Linked pages
- GitHub - carbon-language/carbon-lang: Carbon Language's main repository: documents, design, implementation, and related tools. (NOTE: Carbon Language is experimental; see README) https://github.com/carbon-language/carbon-lang#getting-started 1893 comments
- The two factions of C++ | MONDâTECH MAGAZINE https://herecomesthemoon.net/2024/11/two-factions-of-cpp/ 1006 comments
- The Day The Standard Library Died | cor3ntin https://cor3ntin.github.io/posts/abi/ 364 comments
- P2137R0: Goals and priorities for C++ http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2020/p2137r0.html 304 comments
- Overview: What are Cpp2 and cppfront? How do I get and build cppfront? - Cpp2 and cppfront — An experimental 'C++ syntax 2' and its first compiler https://hsutter.github.io/cppfront/ 168 comments
- The Go Programming Language https://go.dev/ 153 comments
- Type Inference in Rust and C++ | MONDâTECH MAGAZINE https://herecomesthemoon.net/2025/01/type-inference-in-rust-and-cpp/ 86 comments
- Abstract syntax tree - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_syntax_tree 11 comments
- Blind men and an elephant - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_men_and_an_elephant 0 comments
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