Hacker News
- Overview: What are Cpp2 and cppfront? How do I get and build cppfront? https://hsutter.github.io/cppfront/ 168 comments
Linking pages
- Carbon is not a programming language (sort of) | MONDâTECH MAGAZINE https://herecomesthemoon.net/2025/02/carbon-is-not-a-language/ 296 comments
- cppfront: Midsummer update – Sutter’s Mill https://herbsutter.com/2024/07/28/cppfront-midsummer-update/ 62 comments
- C++, Complexity, and Compiler Bugs | Azeem Bande-Ali | azeemba.com https://azeemba.com/posts/cpp-complexity-compiler-bugs.html 54 comments