Hacker News
- Show HN: SimpleSQLite – Python library to simplify the SQlite database creation https://github.com/thombashi/SimpleSQLite 2 comments
Linking pages
- GitHub - thombashi/pytablewriter: pytablewriter is a Python library to write a table in various formats: AsciiDoc / CSV / Elasticsearch / HTML / JavaScript / JSON / LaTeX / LDJSON / LTSV / Markdown / MediaWiki / NumPy / Excel / Pandas / Python / reStructuredText / SQLite / TOML / TSV. https://github.com/thombashi/pytablewriter 2 comments
- GitHub - thombashi/pytablereader: A Python library to load structured table data from files/strings/URL with various data format: CSV / Excel / Google-Sheets / HTML / JSON / LDJSON / LTSV / Markdown / SQLite / TSV. https://github.com/thombashi/pytablereader 0 comments
Linked pages
- pandas - Python Data Analysis Library http://pandas.pydata.org/ 34 comments
- GitHub - thombashi/sqlitebiter: A CLI tool to convert CSV / Excel / HTML / JSON / Jupyter Notebook / LDJSON / LTSV / Markdown / SQLite / SSV / TSV / Google-Sheets to a SQLite database file. https://github.com/thombashi/sqlitebiter 2 comments
- GitHub - Delgan/loguru: Python logging made (stupidly) simple https://github.com/Delgan/loguru 0 comments
- GitHub - thombashi/pytablereader: A Python library to load structured table data from files/strings/URL with various data format: CSV / Excel / Google-Sheets / HTML / JSON / LDJSON / LTSV / Markdown / SQLite / TSV. https://github.com/thombashi/pytablereader 0 comments
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