Hacker News
- Pybind11 — Seamless operability between C++11 and Python https://github.com/pybind/pybind11 117 comments
- Pybind11 – Seamless operability between C++11 and Python https://github.com/pybind/pybind11 3 comments
- pybind11 v2.2 released: support for embedding Python in C++, multiple inheritance in Python, C++17 containers and much more https://github.com/pybind/pybind11 18 comments cpp
- pybind11 — Seamless operability between C++11 and Python https://github.com/pybind/pybind11 13 comments cpp
Linking pages
- GitHub - rigtorp/awesome-modern-cpp: A collection of resources on modern C++ https://github.com/rigtorp/awesome-modern-cpp 114 comments
- GitHub - NVIDIA/MatX: An efficient C++17 GPU numerical computing library with Python-like syntax https://github.com/NVIDIA/MatX 88 comments
- GitHub - p-ranav/awesome-hpp: A curated list of awesome header-only C++ libraries https://github.com/p-ranav/awesome-hpp 75 comments
- GitHub - gisfromscratch/going-native-py: Bringing the power, stability and functional capabilities of C++ to Python. https://github.com/gisfromscratch/going-native-py 59 comments
- GitHub - glpcc/PokerPy https://github.com/glpcc/PokerPy 56 comments
- GitHub - Ly0n/awesome-robotic-tooling: Tooling for professional robotic development in C++ and Python with a touch of ROS, autonomous driving and aerospace https://github.com/Ly0n/awesome-robotic-tooling 54 comments
- GitHub - facebookresearch/fastText: Library for fast text representation and classification. https://github.com/facebookresearch/fastText 53 comments
- GitHub - fffaraz/awesome-cpp: A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. https://github.com/fffaraz/awesome-cpp 38 comments
- GitHub - celtera/avendish: declarative polyamorous cross-system intermedia objects https://github.com/celtera/avendish 37 comments
- GitHub - Tolc-Software/header-only-demo: How to use tolc with a simple header only library https://github.com/Tolc-Software/header-only-demo 36 comments
- GitHub - p-ranav/alpaca: Serialization library written in C++17 - Pack C++ structs into a compact byte-array without any macros or boilerplate code https://github.com/p-ranav/alpaca 35 comments
- enoki/README.md at master · mitsuba-renderer/enoki · GitHub https://github.com/mitsuba-renderer/enoki/blob/master/readme.md 23 comments
- GitHub - google-deepmind/alphafold3: AlphaFold 3 inference pipeline. https://github.com/google-deepmind/alphafold3 23 comments
- GitHub - ucla-vision/xivo: X Inertial-aided Visual Odometry https://github.com/ucla-vision/xivo 22 comments
- GitHub - mgbellemare/Arcade-Learning-Environment: The Arcade Learning Environment (ALE) -- a platform for AI research. https://github.com/mgbellemare/Arcade-Learning-Environment 21 comments
- GitHub - jwbuurlage/pybind11_plus_hana: Example code for generating pybind11 bindings with Boost.Hana. https://github.com/jwbuurlage/pybind11_plus_hana 17 comments
- Why another binding library? - nanobind documentation https://nanobind.readthedocs.io/en/latest/why.html 17 comments
- A new Python kernel for Jupyter. Project Jupyter aims at providing a… | by Martin Renou | Jupyter Blog https://blog.jupyter.org/a-new-python-kernel-for-jupyter-fcdf211e30a8 15 comments
- GitHub - Caerind/AwesomeCppGameDev: A curated list of awesome C++ (mainly) things for Game Development. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. https://github.com/cmdu76/awesomecppgamedev 12 comments
- Binding a C++ Library to 10 Programming Languages 🔟 | Ash's Blog https://ashvardanian.com/posts/porting-cpp-library-to-ten-languages/ 12 comments
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