- MonoBox: a lightweight music player that can stream songs from your computer's local library to your phone's app https://github.com/ozzs/monobox 20 comments internetisbeautiful
- MonoBox: a lightweight music player that can stream songs from your computer's local library to your phone's app https://github.com/ozzs/monobox 4 comments learnpython
- MonoBox: A lightweight mobile music player that lets you play music from your local library on your PC https://github.com/ozzs/monobox 2 comments programming
- MonoBox: a lightweight music player that can stream songs from your computer's local library to your phone's app https://github.com/ozzs/monobox 16 comments python
- MonoBox: a lightweight music player that can stream songs from your computer's local library to your phone's app https://github.com/ozzs/monobox 2 comments reactnative
- MonoBox: A lightweight mobile music player that lets you play music from your local library on your PC https://github.com/ozzs/monobox 11 comments selfhosted
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