Hacker News
- Requests-Scala: A Scala Port of the Popular Python Requests HTTP Client https://github.com/lihaoyi/requests-scala 31 comments
- Requests-Scala: A Scala port of the popular Python Requests HTTP client https://github.com/lihaoyi/requests-scala 45 comments scala
Linking pages
- GitHub - com-lihaoyi/mill: Your shiny new Java/Scala build tool! https://github.com/lihaoyi/mill 41 comments
- GitHub - Hakky54/mutual-tls-ssl: 🔐 Tutorial of setting up Security for your API with one way authentication with TLS/SSL and mutual authentication for a java based web server and a client with both Spring Boot. Different clients are provided such as Apache HttpClient, OkHttp, Spring RestTemplate, Spring WebFlux WebClient Jetty and Netty, the old and the new JDK HttpClient, the old and the new Jersey Client, Google HttpClient, Unirest, Retrofit, Feign, Methanol, vertx, Scala client Finagle, Featherbed, Dispatch Reboot, AsyncHttpClient, Sttp, Akka, Requests Scala, Http4s Blaze, Kotlin client Fuel, http4k, Kohttp and ktor. Also other server examples are available such as jersey with grizzly. Also gRPC, WebSocket and ElasticSearch examples are included https://github.com/Hakky54/mutual-tls-ssl 39 comments
- GitHub - Hakky54/sslcontext-kickstart: 🔐 A lightweight high level library for configuring a http client or server based on SSLContext or other properties such as TrustManager, KeyManager or Trusted Certificates to communicate over SSL TLS for one way authentication or two way authentication provided by the SSLFactory. Support for Java, Scala and Kotlin based clients with examples. Available client examples are: Apache HttpClient, OkHttp, Spring RestTemplate, Spring WebFlux WebClient Jetty and Netty, the old and the new JDK HttpClient, the old and the new Jersey Client, Google HttpClient, Unirest, Retrofit, Feign, Methanol, Vertx, Scala client Finagle, Featherbed, Dispatch Reboot, AsyncHttpClient, Sttp, Akka, Requests Scala, Http4s Blaze, Kotlin client Fuel, http4k Kohttp and Ktor. Also gRPC, WebSocket and ElasticSearch examples are included https://github.com/Hakky54/sslcontext-kickstart 33 comments
- mill/changelog.adoc at main · com-lihaoyi/mill · GitHub https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/mill/blob/main/changelog.adoc#0126---2025-01-31 6 comments
- Changelog :: The Mill Build Tool https://mill-build.org/mill/reference/changelog.html#0-12-0 5 comments
- Cheat Sheet - Http Client SSL TLS Configuration for Java Kotlin and Scala with example http requests · GitHub https://gist.github.com/Hakky54/ee12534594a3e35f48e18a16e42c7f40 2 comments
- GitHub - sderosiaux/every-single-day-i-tldr: A daily digest of the articles or videos I've found interesting, that I want to share with you. https://github.com/sderosiaux/every-single-day-i-tldr 0 comments
- GitHub - com-lihaoyi/mill: Mill is a fast JVM build tool that supports Java and Scala. Mill aims to make your project’s build process performant, maintainable, and flexible https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/mill#0-11-11 0 comments
Linked pages
- Hands-on Scala Programming https://handsonscala.com/ 242 comments
- https://docs.python-requests.org/ 79 comments
- ScalaTags https://com-lihaoyi.github.io/scalatags/ 11 comments
- How to work with HTTP JSON APIs in Scala http://www.lihaoyi.com/post/HowtoworkwithHTTPJSONAPIsinScala.html 7 comments
- Requests: HTTP for Humans™ — Requests 2.32.3 documentation https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 4 comments
- GitHub - com-lihaoyi/os-lib: OS-Lib is a simple, flexible, high-performance Scala interface to common OS filesystem and subprocess APIs https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/os-lib#0-10-7 3 comments
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