- Best solution for cheaply self-hosting dockerised apps? https://github.com/dokku/dokku 18 comments devops
Linking pages
- GitHub - Wowu/docker-rollout: 🚀 Zero Downtime Deployment for Docker Compose https://github.com/Wowu/docker-rollout 142 comments
- GitHub - btw-so/open-source-alternatives: List of open-source alternatives to everyday SaaS products. https://github.com/btw-so/open-source-alternatives 122 comments
- GitHub - RunaCapital/awesome-oss-alternatives: Awesome list of open-source startup alternatives to well-known SaaS products 🚀 https://github.com/RunaCapital/awesome-oss-alternatives 92 comments
- awesome-selfhosted https://awesome-selfhosted.net/ 62 comments
- GitHub - muer-org/muer: Self-hosted music player 🐧🎵 https://github.com/muer-org/muer 60 comments
- GitHub - alebcay/awesome-shell: A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php. https://github.com/alebcay/awesome-shell 24 comments
- GitHub - mardix/sailor: Sailor is a tiny PaaS to install on your servers/VPS that uses git push to deploy micro-apps, micro-services, sites with SSL, on your own servers or VPS https://github.com/mardix/sailor 21 comments
- 42 performance tips for Ruby on Rails https://www.mskog.com/posts/42-performance-tips-for-ruby-on-rails/ 15 comments
- EC2 SSH Access for Dynamic IP with Ephemeral Security Groups https://pawelurbanek.com/ec2-ssh-dynamic-access 15 comments
- GitHub - tombh/peas: Docker and Ruby based PaaS https://github.com/tombh/peas 14 comments
- GitHub - RunaCapital/awesome-oss-alternatives: Awesome list of open-source startup alternatives to well-known SaaS products 🚀 https://github.com/RunaCapital/awesome-oss-alternatives?q= 12 comments
- Build a full-stack web app with Kotlin Multiplatform | Kotlin Documentation https://play.kotlinlang.org/hands-on/Full%20Stack%20Web%20App%20with%20Kotlin%20Multiplatform/03_A_Simple_API_Server 9 comments
- GitHub - barbu-it/paasify: Deploy many docker-compose files with ease! https://github.com/barbu-it/paasify/ 9 comments
- The really big list of really interesting Open Source projects. | by Líkið Geimfari | Medium https://medium.com/@likid.geimfari/the-list-of-interesting-open-source-projects-2daaa2153f7c#.2qifw9lwx 8 comments
- GitHub - sfermigier/awesome-foss-alternatives: Awesome Free / Open Source Alternatives (to common SaaS products) for Business Use https://github.com/sfermigier/awesome-foss-alternatives#readme 7 comments
- Create your own Heroku with Dokku on DigitalOcean ⚡ - DEV Community https://dev.to/alejandroakbal/create-your-own-heroku-with-dokku-on-digitalocean-14ef?cache= 6 comments
- GitHub - mardix/sailor: Sailor is a tiny PaaS to install on your servers/VPS that uses git push to deploy micro-apps, micro-services, sites with SSL, on your own servers or VPS https://github.com/mardix/polybox 5 comments
- GitHub - veggiemonk/awesome-docker: :whale: A curated list of Docker resources and projects https://github.com/veggiemonk/awesome-docker 5 comments
- Deploying Rails to DigitalOcean, the Hard Way https://www.thegreatcodeadventure.com/deploying-rails-to-digitalocean-the-hard-way/ 4 comments
- How I in-validated a business idea in 3 months with little code, while traveling the world ✈️ | by Raman Shalupau | Medium https://medium.com/@ksaitor/how-i-in-validated-a-business-idea-in-3-months-with-little-code-while-traveling-the-world-7a94783a2fba 4 comments
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