- The really big list of really interesting Open Source projects in all languages. https://medium.com/@likid.geimfari/the-list-of-interesting-open-source-projects-2daaa2153f7c#.2qifw9lwx 3 comments opensource
- The really big list of really interesting Open Source projects in Golang and another languages. https://medium.com/@likid.geimfari/the-list-of-interesting-open-source-projects-2daaa2153f7c#.vs7qcky7s 3 comments golang
- The big list of interesting Open Source projects. https://medium.com/@likid.geimfari/the-list-of-interesting-open-source-projects-2daaa2153f7c#.weogg4wf4 2 comments opensource
Linking pages
Linked pages
- The Go Programming Language https://golang.org 1096 comments
- GitHub - nvbn/thefuck: Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command. https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck 1064 comments
- GNU Emacs - GNU Project http://gnu.org/software/emacs/index.html 676 comments
- Welcome to Python.org https://python.org 672 comments
- Home | Mono https://www.mono-project.com/ 533 comments
- GitHub - junegunn/fzf: :cherry_blossom: A command-line fuzzy finder https://github.com/junegunn/fzf 472 comments
- GitHub - PostgREST/postgrest: REST API for any Postgres database https://github.com/begriffs/postgrest 423 comments
- The Julia Programming Language https://julialang.org/ 410 comments
- GitHub - commercialhaskell/stack: The Haskell Tool Stack https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack 305 comments
- React – A JavaScript library for building user interfaces http://facebook.github.io/react/ 275 comments
- Git https://git-scm.com/ 252 comments
- JSON Web Tokens - jwt.io http://jwt.io 221 comments
- Kubernetes https://kubernetes.io 220 comments
- Node.js — Run JavaScript Everywhere https://nodejs.org 203 comments
- The Scala Programming Language http://scala-lang.org/ 193 comments
- Docker: Accelerated Container Application Development https://docker.com 187 comments
- GitHub - alexflint/gallium: Build desktop applications in Go and HTML. https://github.com/alexflint/gallium 160 comments
- GitHub - gin-gonic/gin: Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin. https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin 143 comments
- The Programming Language Lua http://lua.org/ 142 comments
- GitHub - fukamachi/woo: A fast non-blocking HTTP server on top of libev https://github.com/fukamachi/woo 135 comments
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