- catch-mini: Catch subset in less than 300 lines of code https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2 18 comments cpp
Linking pages
- GitHub - nothings/single_file_libs: List of single-file C/C++ libraries. https://github.com/nothings/single_file_libs 229 comments
- C++ Ecosystem: Compilers, IDEs, Tools, Testing and More - C++ Stories https://www.bfilipek.com/2019/10/cppecosystem.html 177 comments
- GitHub - rigtorp/awesome-modern-cpp: A collection of resources on modern C++ https://github.com/rigtorp/awesome-modern-cpp 114 comments
- GitHub - doctest/doctest: The fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20 single-header testing framework https://github.com/onqtam/doctest 107 comments
- GitHub - boost-ext/ut: UT: C++20 μ(micro)/Unit Testing Framework https://github.com/boost-experimental/ut 83 comments
- GitHub - m3y54m/Embedded-Engineering-Roadmap: A comprehensive roadmap for aspiring Embedded Systems Engineers, featuring a curated list of learning resources. https://github.com/m3y54m/Embedded-Engineering-Roadmap 76 comments
- GitHub - p-ranav/awesome-hpp: A curated list of awesome header-only C++ libraries https://github.com/p-ranav/awesome-hpp 75 comments
- GitHub - skramm/homog2d: C++ 2D geometry library, handles points, lines, polylines, planar transformations (and other primitives), using homogeneous coordinates. Provided with complete manual and samples. https://github.com/skramm/homog2d 61 comments
- GitHub - limo-app/limo: A simple Qt based mod manager https://github.com/limo-app/limo 54 comments
- GitHub - codeinred/recursive-variant: Recursive Variant: A simple library for Recursive Variant Types https://github.com/codeinred/recursive-variant 50 comments
- GitHub - friendlyanon/cmake-init: The missing CMake project initializer https://github.com/friendlyanon/cmake-init 43 comments
- C++ Profiling and Benchmarking Tools in 2023 | hacking C++ https://hackingcpp.com/cpp/tools/profilers.html 41 comments
- GitHub - clemensmanert/fas: A floating point arithmetic which works with types of any mantissa, exponent or base in modern header-only C++. https://github.com/clemensmanert/fas 41 comments
- GitHub - fffaraz/awesome-cpp: A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. https://github.com/fffaraz/awesome-cpp 38 comments
- GitHub - tinfoilboy/CTML: A C++ HTML document constructor only depending on the standard library. https://github.com/tinfoilboy/ctml 37 comments
- Compilation speed humps: std::tuple | marzer.github.io Personal devblog of Mark 'marzer' Gillard https://marzer.github.io/md_blog_2021_05_31_compilation_speed_humps_std_tuple.html 33 comments
- #3 The state of C++ package management: The build systems - twdev.blog https://twdev.blog/2024/09/cpp_pkgmng3/ 33 comments
- GitHub - CoatiSoftware/Sourcetrail: Sourcetrail - free and open-source interactive source explorer https://github.com/CoatiSoftware/Sourcetrail 32 comments
- Modern CMake is like inheritance - Kuba Sejdak https://kubasejdak.com/modern-cmake-is-like-inheritance 31 comments
- GitHub - cpm-cmake/CPM.cmake: 📦 CMake's missing package manager. A small CMake script for setup-free, cross-platform, reproducible dependency management. https://github.com/thelartians/cpm.cmake 31 comments
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