- DukPy lightweight JS interpreter released for Python 3.12 https://github.com/amol-/dukpy 4 comments python
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- GitHub - metapensiero/metapensiero.pj: Javascript for refined palates: a Python 3 to ES6 Javascript translator https://github.com/azazel75/metapensiero.pj 62 comments
- Going Isomorphic with Python and React | by Alessandro Molina | Medium https://medium.com/@__amol__/going-isomorphic-with-python-and-react-f4664183f0c4#.k8dty2yuq 0 comments
- Going Isomorphic with Python and React - DEV Community https://dev.to/__amol__/going-isomorphic-with-python-and-react 0 comments
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