- Would there be a lot of barriers for PresentMon to support Linux? Dunno if RADV, Mesa or Valve devs would be able to contribute to add Linux support. https://github.com/GameTechDev/PresentMon 13 comments linux_gaming
Linking pages
- AMD vs Nvidia: Whose Driver Updates Improve Performance More? - Tom's Hardware | Tom's Hardware https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/amd-nvidia-driver-updates-performance-tested,5707.html 62 comments
- Swapchains and frame pacing | Raph Levien’s blog https://raphlinus.github.io/ui/graphics/gpu/2021/10/22/swapchain-frame-pacing.html 18 comments
- Total War: Warhammer benchmarks strike fear into CPUs | PC Gamer http://www.pcgamer.com/total-war-warhammer-benchmarks-strike-fear-into-cpus 14 comments
- GitHub - CXWorld/CapFrameX: Frametime capture and analysis tool https://github.com/DevTechProfile/CapFrameX 7 comments
- Smooth resize in Direct2D | Raph Levien’s blog https://raphlinus.github.io/personal/2018/04/08/smooth-resize.html 0 comments
- Optimized Gradient Border Rendering in Imperator: Rome https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/technical/optimized-gradient-border-rendering-in-imperator-rome.html 0 comments
Linked pages
- Intel® Arc™ Graphics - PresentMon https://game.intel.com/story/intel-presentmon/ 77 comments
- Releases · GameTechDev/PresentMon · GitHub https://github.com/GameTechDev/PresentMon/releases 13 comments
- Guru3D RTSS Rivatuner Statistics Server Download 7.3.3 build 26004 https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/rtss-rivatuner-statistics-server-download.html 12 comments
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