Hacker News
Linking pages
- Amazon’s Exabyte-Scale Migration from Apache Spark to Ray on Amazon EC2 | AWS Open Source Blog https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/amazons-exabyte-scale-migration-from-apache-spark-to-ray-on-amazon-ec2/ 90 comments
- Introducing Daft: A High-Performance Distributed Dataframe Library for Multimodal Data https://blog.getdaft.io/p/introducing-daft-a-high-performance 38 comments
- Polars, DuckDB, Pandas, Modin, Ponder, Fugue, Daft — which one is the best dataframe and SQL tool? | Kestra https://kestra.io/blogs/2023-08-11-dataframes 3 comments
- Working with the Apache Parquet file format - by Jay https://blog.getdaft.io/p/working-with-the-apache-parquet-file 1 comment
- Announcing Daft 0.2: 10x faster IO from S3 - by Jay https://blog.getdaft.io/p/announcing-daft-02-10x-faster-io 0 comments
Linked pages
- GitHub - pola-rs/polars: Dataframes powered by a multithreaded, vectorized query engine, written in Rust https://github.com/pola-rs/polars 28 comments
- Daft: The Unified Data Engine — getdaft.io documentation https://www.getdaft.io/index.html 18 comments
- Productionizing and scaling Python ML workloads simply | Ray https://ray.io 9 comments
- GitHub - modin-project/modin: Modin: Scale your Pandas workflows by changing a single line of code https://github.com/modin-project/modin 0 comments
- Announcing Daft 0.2: 10x faster IO from S3 - by Jay https://blog.getdaft.io/p/announcing-daft-02-10x-faster-io 0 comments
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