- Can someone please explain the ability.rb file relevance in Rolify? https://github.com/EppO/rolify 15 comments rails
Linking pages
- GitHub - lankz/gunzel: Slices through the setup time for your next Rails project https://github.com/lankz/zangetsu 5 comments
- GitHub - saberma/ruby-dev-bookmarks: A list of ruby development resources I've collected. Pull requests are welcome. https://github.com/saberma/ruby-dev-bookmarks 2 comments
- GitHub - nathanl/authority: *CURRENTLY UNMAINTAINED*. Authority helps you authorize actions in your Rails app. It's ORM-neutral and has very little fancy syntax; just group your models under one or more Authorizer classes and write plain Ruby methods on them. https://github.com/nathanl/authority 1 comment
Linked pages
- GitHub - heartcombo/devise: Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden. https://github.com/plataformatec/devise#configuring-views 30 comments
- GitHub - CanCanCommunity/cancancan: The authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails. https://github.com/cancancommunity/cancancan 24 comments
- GitHub - binarylogic/authlogic: A simple ruby authentication solution. https://github.com/binarylogic/authlogic 6 comments
- GitHub - nathanl/authority: *CURRENTLY UNMAINTAINED*. Authority helps you authorize actions in your Rails app. It's ORM-neutral and has very little fancy syntax; just group your models under one or more Authorizer classes and write plain Ruby methods on them. https://github.com/nathanl/authority 1 comment
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