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- GitHub - fredwu/angel_nest: Project code name: Angel Nest. :) https://github.com/fredwu/angel_nest 705 comments
- Online Courses, Learning Paths, and Certifications - Pluralsight https://www.pluralsight.com/ 232 comments
- Search | Pluralsight http://tryruby.org/ 228 comments
- Cloud Application Platform | Heroku http://heroku.com 218 comments
- Primer Design System https://github.com/styleguide/ruby 209 comments
- RubyMonk - Interactive Ruby tutorials https://rubymonk.com/ 175 comments
- GitHub - rubocop/ruby-style-guide: A community-driven Ruby coding style guide https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#short-methods 151 comments
- Ruby on Rails Screencasts - RailsCasts http://railscasts.com/ 135 comments
- Sinatra http://sinatrarb.com/ 120 comments
- Padrino - The Elegant Ruby Web Framework http://padrinorb.com/ 91 comments
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial | Learn Enough to Be Dangerous http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ 91 comments
- Learn Ruby with the Edgecase Ruby Koans http://rubykoans.com/ 88 comments
- GitHub - diaspora/diaspora: A privacy-aware, distributed, open source social network. https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora 77 comments
- Sass: Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets http://sass-lang.com/ 75 comments
- Ruby on Rails Guides https://guides.rubyonrails.org 61 comments
- Rubular: a Ruby regular expression editor http://rubular.com 58 comments
- GitHub - BetterErrors/better_errors: Better error page for Rack apps https://github.com/charliesome/better_errors 56 comments
- GitHub - javan/whenever: Cron jobs in Ruby http://github.com/javan/whenever/tree/master 55 comments
- Opensource Rails - Rails http://www.opensourcerails.com/ 52 comments
- GitHub - sidekiq/sidekiq: Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq 44 comments
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