Hacker News
- Turn Entire YouTube Playlists to Markdown Formatted TextBooks(In Any Language) https://github.com/Ebrizzzz/Youtube-playlist-to-formatted-text 1 comment
- Turn Entire YouTube Playlists to Markdown Formatted and Refined Text Books (in any language) https://github.com/Ebrizzzz/Youtube-playlist-to-formatted-text 0 comments learnprogramming
- Turn Entire YouTube Playlists to Markdown Formatted and Refined Text Books (in any language) https://github.com/Ebrizzzz/Youtube-playlist-to-formatted-text 13 comments software
- Turn Entire YouTube Playlists to Markdown Formatted and Refined Text Books (in any language) https://github.com/Ebrizzzz/Youtube-playlist-to-formatted-text 2 comments coolgithubprojects
- Turn Entire YouTube Playlists to Markdown Formatted and Refined Text Books (in any language) https://github.com/Ebrizzzz/Youtube-playlist-to-formatted-text 16 comments python
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