- PresentMon has been released! This open-source overlay gives more detail than AMD's driver overlay, such as "GPU busy" https://game.intel.com/story/intel-presentmon/ 77 comments amd
Linking pages
- GitHub - GameTechDev/PresentMon: Capture and analyze the high-level performance characteristics of graphics applications on Windows. https://github.com/GameTechDev/PresentMon 13 comments
- CapFrameX capture and analysis tool to integrate Intel's new PresentMon Beta - VideoCardz.com https://videocardz.com/newz/capframex-capture-and-analysis-tool-to-integrate-intels-new-presentmon-beta 2 comments
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Search whole site: site:game.intel.com
Search title: Intel® Arc™ Graphics - PresentMon
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