Hacker News
- Python datetime pitfalls, and what libraries are (not) doing about it https://dev.arie.bovenberg.net/blog/python-datetime-pitfalls/ 147 comments
- Ten Python datetime pitfalls, and what libraries are (not) doing about it https://dev.arie.bovenberg.net/blog/python-datetime-pitfalls/ 6 comments python
Linking pages
Linked pages
- GitHub - arrow-py/arrow: 🏹 Better dates & times for Python https://github.com/arrow-py/arrow 76 comments
- GitHub - sdispater/pendulum: Python datetimes made easy https://github.com/sdispater/pendulum 73 comments
- Liskov substitution principle - Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liskov_substitution_principle 69 comments
- Temporal documentation https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/docs/ 2 comments
- GitHub - glyph/DateType: A type wrapper for the standard library `datetime` that supplies stricter checks, such as making 'datetime' not substitutable for 'date', and separating out Naive and Aware datetimes into separate, mutually-incompatible types. https://github.com/glyph/DateType 0 comments
- GitHub - ariebovenberg/whenever: ⏰ Modern datetime library for Python https://github.com/ariebovenberg/whenever 0 comments
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