Hacker News
- Python, C, Assembly – Faster Cosine Similarity https://ashvardanian.com/posts/python-c-assembly-comparison/ 55 comments
Linking pages
- Binding a C++ Library to 10 Programming Languages 🔟 | Ash's Blog https://ashvardanian.com/posts/porting-cpp-library-to-ten-languages/ 12 comments
- GitHub - unum-cloud/uform: Pocket-Sized Multimodal AI for content understanding and generation across multilingual texts, images, and 🔜 video, up to 5x faster than OpenAI CLIP and LLaVA 🖼️ & 🖋️ https://github.com/unum-cloud/uform 1 comment
- GCC Compiler vs Human - 119x Faster Assembly 💻🆚🧑💻 | Ash's Blog https://ashvardanian.com/posts/gcc-12-vs-avx512fp16/ 1 comment
Linked pages
- https://godbolt.org 803 comments
- GitHub - facebookresearch/faiss: A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors. https://github.com/facebookresearch/faiss 100 comments
- Intel® Intrinsics Guide http://software.intel.com/sites/landingpage/intrinsicsguide/ 66 comments
- GitHub - ashvardanian/StringZilla: Up to 10x faster strings for C, C++, Python, Rust, and Swift, leveraging SWAR and SIMD on Arm Neon and x86 AVX2 & AVX-512-capable chips to accelerate search, sort, edit distances, alignment scores, etc 🦖 https://github.com/ashvardanian/Stringzilla 57 comments
- GitHub - ashvardanian/SimSIMD: Vector Similarity Functions 3x-200x Faster than SciPy and NumPy — for Python, JavaScript, Rust, and C 11, supporting f64, f32, f16, i8, and binary vectors using SIMD for both x86 AVX2 & AVX-512 and Arm NEON & SVE 📐 https://github.com/ashvardanian/simsimd 56 comments
- Binding a C++ Library to 10 Programming Languages 🔟 | Ash's Blog https://ashvardanian.com/posts/porting-cpp-library-to-ten-languages/ 12 comments
- GitHub - unum-cloud/usearch: Fast Open-Source Search & Clustering engine × for Vectors & 🔜 Strings × in C++, C, Python, JavaScript, Rust, Java, Objective-C, Swift, C#, GoLang, and Wolfram 🔍 https://github.com/unum-cloud/usearch 8 comments
- GitHub - unum-cloud/uform: Pocket-Sized Multimodal AI for content understanding and generation across multilingual texts, images, and 🔜 video, up to 5x faster than OpenAI CLIP and LLaVA 🖼️ & 🖋️ https://github.com/unum-cloud/uform 1 comment
- GCC Compiler vs Human - 119x Faster Assembly 💻🆚🧑💻 | Ash's Blog https://ashvardanian.com/posts/gcc-12-vs-avx512fp16/ 1 comment
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