Hacker News
- VisPy: Python library for interactive scientific visualization on GPU http://vispy.org/ 4 comments
- Vispy: OpenGL-based interactive visualization in Python http://vispy.org/index.html 12 comments
Linking pages
- Phased Array Microphone | Ben Wang’s Blog https://benwang.dev/2023/02/26/Phased-Array-Microphone.html 185 comments
- Anaconda | Python Data Visualization 2018: Why So Many Libraries? https://www.anaconda.com/blog/developer-blog/python-data-visualization-2018-why-so-many-libraries/ 101 comments
- GitHub - Ledger-Donjon/lascar: Ledger's Advanced Side-Channel Analysis Repository https://github.com/Ledger-Donjon/lascar 24 comments
- GitHub - cuemacro/chartpy: Easy to use Python API wrapper to plot charts with matplotlib, plotly, bokeh and more https://github.com/cuemacro/chartpy 3 comments
- GitHub - datoviz/datoviz: ⚡ Datoviz: high-performance GPU scientific data visualization C/C++ library https://github.com/datoviz/datoviz 2 comments
- Introducing napari: a fast n-dimensional image viewer in Python | I Love Symposia! https://ilovesymposia.com/2019/10/24/introducing-napari-a-fast-n-dimensional-image-viewer-in-python/ 1 comment
- GitHub - ellisonbg/altair: Declarative statistical visualization library for Python https://github.com/ellisonbg/altair 0 comments
- GitHub - jonnyhyman/Chaos: Visualizations of the connections between chaos theory and fractals through the logistic map; made for Veritasium YouTube video https://github.com/jonnyhyman/Chaos 0 comments
- Datoviz Documentation https://datoviz.org/ 0 comments
- D3 Plugins: Truly Interactive Matplotlib In Your Browser | Pythonic Perambulations http://jakevdp.github.io/blog/2014/01/10/d3-plugins-truly-interactive/ 0 comments
- Comparing Tools For Data Visualization in Python – Dataquest https://www.dataquest.io/blog/python-data-visualization-libraries/ 0 comments
- GitHub - precise-simulation/mesh-viewer: Python STL/OBJ CAD mesh viewers comparing Matplotlib/Plotly/Vispy backends and Tkinter GUI https://github.com/precise-simulation/mesh-viewer 0 comments
- Matplotlib tutorial: Plotting tweets mentioning Trump, Clinton, and Sanders – Dataquest https://www.dataquest.io/blog/matplotlib-tutorial/ 0 comments
- Classifying Vehicles & Pedestrians in a Point Cloud | by Michael Gump | Voyage https://news.voyage.auto/classifying-vehicles-pedestrians-in-point-cloud-83db7cd6192e 0 comments
- GitHub - javierluraschi/awesome-dataviz: A curated list of awesome data visualization libraries and resources. https://github.com/fasouto/awesome-dataviz 0 comments
Linked pages
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