Web Development recap for week 48/2024
From toNewsletter sent every monday with a recap of articles, projects and tutorials from previous week.
Articles #
If Not React, Then What? 761 comments in 2 discussions
Rails is better low code than low code 255 comments in 4 discussions
Deno v. Oracle: Canceling the JavaScript Trademark 222 comments in 3 discussions
The Fight to Free JavaScript from Oracle's Control 210 comments in 1 discussion
This Website is Hosted on Bluesky 204 comments in 3 discussions
Shopify devs did a lot of work again this year 141 comments in 3 discussions
Comparing AWS S3 and Cloudflare R2 135 comments in 2 discussions
Why am I writing a JavaScript toolchain in Zig? 106 comments in 2 discussions
Float Self-Tagging 98 comments in 4 discussions
re2js regexp compiler 94 comments in 5 discussions
Codin' Dirty 83 comments in 4 discussions
WASM-4: Build retro games using WebAssembly for a fantasy console 78 comments in 9 discussions
How far is this article from Kent c Dodds about useCallback and useMemo still relevant? Did these best practises change in the last years? 67 comments in 6 discussions
Laravel Black Friday Deals 2024 60 comments in 2 discussions
Self-host? Reverse proxy + Cloudflare + network segmentation? Pain-free alternatives? I'm all ears. 58 comments in 5 discussions
Releases #
Server resources monitoring with a new release of "rails_performance" gem 9 comments in 1 discussion
Neutralinojs v5.5 released 8 comments in 3 discussions
I just released a tutorial on creating Apple-style 3D scroll animations with Next.js 15 + React Fiber + GSAP. It's a great introduction to 3D in the React ecosystem if you are new to Three.js. 3 comments in 1 discussion
Projects #
[TypeBox] Using TypeScript Types to Parse TypeScript Syntax 180 comments in 13 discussions
How would you let users design their own websites seamlessly and deploy them to custom subdomains in minutes? I'm diving into it – join the discussion! 125 comments in 7 discussions
Over 290 Laravel/PHP tips I've collected so far 🙌 94 comments in 3 discussions
Show HN: I created a lightweight JavaScript library to visualize JSON as a graph 46 comments in 1 discussion
NextBeats: A modern, customizable open-source lofi experience powered by React/Next.js 21 comments in 2 discussions
Tired of Switching to the Browser While Coding? Check Out this 20 comments in 1 discussion
Pipelight - Manage git-hooks without the bloat 20 comments in 4 discussions
Scribble.rs – The free and privacy respecting pictionary game 19 comments in 3 discussions
Rails + React app 17 comments in 1 discussion
CSS-Zero - An opinionated CSS starter kit for your no-build application 17 comments in 1 discussion
Videos #
A Svelte anecdote and, I think, a cool story from 4 years ago. 68 comments in 5 discussions
Can Javascript functions create classes? 3 comments in 1 discussion
I Built a SaaS App – Here's Exactly How I Did It! 2 comments in 1 discussion
Scheduled Task Groups, Without Parents & Creating Models Quietly
This is an archived issue from the Web Development newsletter.