Ruby recap for week 48/2024
From toNewsletter sent every monday with a recap of articles, projects and tutorials from previous week.
Articles #
Rails is better low code than low code 256 comments in 4 discussions
DHH Wants to Make Web Dev Easy Again, with Ruby on Rails 45 comments in 3 discussions
Shrinking a Postgres Table 26 comments in 5 discussions
Django and Postgres for the Busy Rails Developer 20 comments in 3 discussions
Calculating the largest known prime in Ruby 9 comments in 1 discussion
Odin Project - Full Stack Javascript or Full Stack Ruby on Rails? which is the preferred knowledge today? 9 comments in 1 discussion
Ruby Community Conference 9 comments in 3 discussions
Add social login to a Rails application using Devise 7 comments in 1 discussion
Why Does the Kernel Hate Long Shebangs? 6 comments in 1 discussion
Migrating away from Unicorn, yikes! 6 comments in 1 discussion
Back to Rails from Golang 5 comments in 1 discussion
Stimulus Features You (Didn’t) Know 3 comments in 1 discussion
Upgraded Rails 7.2.2 -> 8.0.0 - [Problem with 'psych-5.2.0' - SOLVED] 2 comments in 1 discussion
Creating, Modifying and Hosting OpenStreetMap Maps in Ruby on Rails
Releases #
Server resources monitoring with a new release of "rails_performance" gem 9 comments in 1 discussion
Projects #
How would you let users design their own websites seamlessly and deploy them to custom subdomains in minutes? I'm diving into it – join the discussion! 125 comments in 7 discussions
CSS-Zero - An opinionated CSS starter kit for your no-build application 18 comments in 1 discussion
Rails + React app 17 comments in 1 discussion
I made an opinionated minimal Rails starter with Vite, prettier and tailwind 2 comments in 1 discussion
This is an archived issue from the Ruby newsletter.