Display comments on your website

To display discussions for a page on your website or blog, just include a link to discu.eu:

    https://discu.eu/?q=URL&submit_title=article title
where URL is the address of your page and submit_title is an optional parameter, which when included is used to prefill the submission title if the user decides to submit your story to a platform.

Discussions are fetched from Hacker News, Reddit, Lobsters and others and are updated frequently.

If you want to include a link only on pages with relevant dicussions then call our API first (use the discussions_counts method).

The API returns the comments and discussions count for each platform and subreddit. This way you can include a link only if you're interested in a specific platform or subreddit.

Check out Bèr's tutorial on how to display discussions on a static website.



Use berkes/discueu.js as a template to include discussions on your blog or website.

Whole site search

Pro tip: if would like to see all the discussions for your whole site, use the site: prefix when searching. Example site:xojoc.pw.