- You Want to Kill Bad Guys? Prove That They’re Bad. --"you may trust the Obama administration to only kill genuine evildoers. I don’t; personally, I don’t trust any powerful entity that does not have to have its evidence and reasoning examined by some other entity, beyond its orbit." http://prospect.org/article/you-want-kill-bad-guys-prove-they%E2%80%99re-bad 17 comments politics
- [Chad Ford] "There was a lot of concerns about Melo... I agreed with the agent to kill the story, it was that bad. I had the opportunity to write a scandalous story about that day... He's a young man who hadn't figured it all out yet and do you want to try to ruin a young guys career early on..." https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/g5oa49/chad_ford_there_was_a_lot_of_concerns_about_melo/ 88 comments nba