Hacker News
- Why Repair Techs Are Hacking Ventilators with DIY Dongles from Poland https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/3azv9b/why-repair-techs-are-hacking-ventilators-with-diy-dongles-from-poland 2 comments
- Why Repair Techs Are Hacking Ventilators With DIY Dongles From Poland - As COVID-19 surges, hospitals and independent biomedical technicians have turned to a global grey-market for hardware and software to circumvent manufacturer repair locks and keep life-saving ventilators running. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/3azv9b/why-repair-techs-are-hacking-ventilators-with-diy-dongles-from-poland 7 comments technology