Hacker News
- Driving Amazon’s electric delivery vehicle: Rivian EDV [video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TFz1xqp3us 177 comments
- Driving 3,250 kilometres for only $30, in an electric vehicle https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/cheap-driving-electric-vehicle-1.5260631 16 comments technology
- India wants electric vehicles to drive its future https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-48961525 29 comments india
- IBM’s Watson is now powering an all-electric self-driving vehicle by Local Motors http://electrek.co/2016/06/16/ibm-watson-all-electric-self-driving-vehicle-local-motors/ 4 comments technology
- Booming Electric Vehicle Sales Drive Surge in Cobalt Prices https://money.usnews.com/investing/news/articles/2021-03-12/booming-electric-vehicle-sales-drive-surge-in-cobalt-prices 3 comments technology
- Israel to test electric roads that wirelessly charge vehicles as they drive http://inhabitat.com/israel-to-test-electric-roads-that-wirelessly-charge-vehicles-as-they-drive/ 6 comments technology
- The EN-V or "Electric Networked-Vehicle," is GM's latest concept car. "With the trunk-less EN-V, GM has jettisoned the traditional 'three box' system and gasoline-fueled engine in place of a pure-electric minivehicle meant strictly for city driving. http://www.nydailynews.com/money/galleries/coolest_concept_cars/coolest_concept_cars.html 38 comments science
- New technology installed beneath Detroit street can charge electric vehicles as they drive https://apnews.com/article/wireless-roadway-electric-vehicle-charging-detroit-22fcdeabd026d81712a0c1a12b190d9a 29 comments technology
- New technology installed beneath Detroit street can charge electric vehicles as they drive https://apnews.com/article/wireless-roadway-electric-vehicle-charging-detroit-22fcdeabd026d81712a0c1a12b190d9a 104 comments futurology
- Today’s Electric Vehicles Can Greatly Reduce Emissions From Driving https://blog.ucsusa.org/dave-reichmuth/todays-electric-vehicles-can-greatly-reduce-emissions-from-driving/ 9 comments technology
- A shift to electric vehicles could drive the Green New Deal forward https://www.fastcompany.com/90364228/a-quick-shift-to-electric-vehicles-could-drive-the-green-new-deal-forward 4 comments science
- Why don’t we drive more electric vehicles? - A report from the National Academy of Sciences looks at barriers and adoption. http://arstechnica.com/cars/2015/07/why-dont-we-drive-more-electric-vehicles/ 21 comments technology
- 'Boozer' Electric Vehicle sets a world record for driving >1000 miles on a single charge. http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-08-boozer-ev-miles-plus.html 10 comments technology
- South Korea has switched on a road which can recharge electric vehicles as they drive over it http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23603751 27 comments technology
- Australian car industry’s secret emissions plan would slow drive toward electric vehicles https://www.theage.com.au/national/revealed-car-industry-s-secret-emissions-plan-would-slow-electric-vehicle-uptake-20220805-p5b7pe.html 20 comments worldnews
- Electric vehicles will be allowed to drive at higher speed limits than gas cars, says Austrian government https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-electric-vehicle-higher-speed-limit-incentive-austria/ 18 comments europe
- Building the first highway segment in the U.S. that can charge electric vehicles big and small as they drive - Purdue University News https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2024/Q1/building-the-first-highway-segment-in-the-u.s-that-can-charge-electric-vehicles-big-and-small-as-they-drive.html 115 comments futurology
- Some electric vehicles can charge while they drive thanks to special coils installed under a street in Detroit / This is a pilot program for the technology, which could be installed in other countries as well https://archive.ph/xTl8C 56 comments technology
- Electric cars are now three to six times cheaper to drive in the US as gas prices rise. The fact that electric vehicles are more efficient and less costly to operate is not new information, but it is becoming more apparent, and it is on more people’s minds with the recent gas price increases. https://electrek.co/2022/03/22/electric-cars-3-to-6-times-cheaper-to-drive-us-high-gas-prices/ 226 comments energy
- INTERSTATE HIGHWAYS: THE GATEWAY TO THE FUTURE - an in-depth thinkpiece about how to transform the U.S. interstate system with electric vehicles, self-driving cars, mass-transit, and more https://medium.com/@d1davidthomason/interstate-highways-the-gateway-to-the-future-33b53dc07485 10 comments futurology
- Buttigieg: Families who buy electric vehicles 'never have to worry about gas prices again'. "The people who stand to benefit most from owning an EV are often rural residents who have the most distances to drive, who burn the most gas, and underserved urban residents." https://thehill.com/dem-lawmakers/583325-buttigieg-electric-vehicle-owners-never-have-to-worry-about-gas-prices-again?amp= 487 comments energy
- How Software Is Eating The Car - The Trend Toward Self-Driving And Electric Vehicles Will Add Hundreds Of Millions Of Lines Of Code To Cars. Can The Auto Industry Cope? https://spectrum.ieee.org/cars-that-think/transportation/advanced-cars/software-eating-car 11 comments technology
- Researchers have developed a new battery material that could enable long-range electric vehicles that can drive for hundreds of miles on a single charge, and electric planes called eVTOLs for fast, environmentally friendly commutes. https://newscenter.lbl.gov/2020/07/20/battery-electric-planes-cars/ 53 comments science
- ExxonMobil 'tried to get European Green Deal watered down': ‘The move appears to be an attempt to stall the rollout of electric vehicles by keeping a lid on the cost of driving a traditional combustion engine vehicle running on fossil fuels.’ https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/mar/06/exxonmobil-tried-to-get-european-green-deal-watered-down-claims-climate-lobbying-watchdog 140 comments worldnews
- Mercedes-Benz to axe more than 1,000 jobs in cost-cutting drive - Move blamed on heavy cost of investing in electric vehicles just as traditional car sales slow https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/nov/14/mercedes-benz-axe-1000-jobs-cost-cutting-drive-electric-vehicles 4 comments worldnews
- Engineers at Pennsylvania State University have developed a new lithium ion battery that can charge an electric vehicle in 10 minutes. The technology could offer electric cars an additional 200 miles of driving range, alleviating concerns of becoming stranded on long trips. https://www.upi.com/science_news/2019/10/30/new-hot-charging-lithium-ion-battery-can-charge-an-electric-car-in-10-minutes/1971572451708/?sl=1&ur3=1 3 comments science
- Hyundai warns of 'fear-mongering' over electric cars in Australia election - The carmaker has responded to the political commentary of recent days, which included the prime minister Scott Morrison claiming Labor’s electric vehicle target was a threat to Australians who like to drive SUVs. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/apr/11/hyundai-warns-of-fear-mongering-over-electric-cars-in-australia-election 3 comments worldnews
- China is crushing Europe's electric car dreams. China is the driving force in the business of electric vehicle batteries, which European leaders see as vital to the future of the auto industry. "Europe might well see its carmakers massively moving production to China in the future." https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/30/business/europe-lithium-electric-batteries/index.html 5 comments europe
- Transport as a service: Self-driving cars could change your life within six years - “by 2024, the whole concept of individually owned cars will be obsolete... And by 2030, 95 per cent of US auto miles will be travelled by autonomous, on-demand electric vehicles.” http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-09-26/self-driving-cars-could-change-your-life-within-six-years/8987628 10 comments technology
- Tesla developing self-driving tech for semi-truck, wants to test in Nevada - "long-haul, electric semi-truck that can drive itself and move in "platoons" that automatically follow a lead vehicle" https://www.reuters.com/article/us-tesla-truck-autonomous-iduskbn1ap2gd 7 comments technology
- VW will release over 30 electric vehicle models by 2025 and hired 1,000 additional software specialists for autonomous driving systems - The goal is to have electric vehicles make up 25% percent of the total car sales volume within 8 years http://www.dw.com/en/vw-strives-to-be-leader-in-e-cars-self-driving-vehicles/a-38713530 36 comments technology
- VW to release more than 30 battery-powered electric vehicles over the next 10 years, hires 1,000 additional software specialists for creating autonomous driving systems, aims to become a world market leader in EVs and self-driving vehicles http://www.dw.com/en/vw-strives-to-be-leader-in-e-cars-self-driving-vehicles/a-38713530 31 comments technology
- VW to release more than 30 battery-powered electric vehicles over the next 10 years, hires 1,000 additional software specialists for creating autonomous driving systems, aims to become a world market leader in EVs and self-driving vehicles http://www.dw.com/en/vw-strives-to-be-leader-in-e-cars-self-driving-vehicles/a-38713530 10 comments worldnews
- Honda wants to charge electric vehicles dynamically for ‘unlimited range’ on highways - "invisible train tracks for EVs to use and potentially drive continuously by wirelessly charging." https://electrek.co/2017/02/24/honda-electric-vehicles-dynamic-charging-unlimited-range/ 9 comments technology
- How Electric Vehicles Could End Car Ownership as We Know It - ‘Rideables’ are likely to speed up adoption of self-driving technology, turn transportation into a service http://www.wsj.com/articles/how-electric-vehicles-could-end-car-ownership-as-we-know-it-1484488803 29 comments technology
- Driving From Coast to Coast in an Electric Car Is About to Get Easier - The U.S. federal government will designate 48 routes as electric charging corridors to allow coast-to-coast travel and encourage the adoption of electric vehicles, the White House said Thursday. http://time.com/4556170/electric-vehicle-charging-stations-corridor/ 756 comments technology
- German patented technology allows electric vehicles to be charged as they drive over any road embedded with a recessed wireless recharging strip, using electromagnetic induction http://gas2.org/2009/10/07/wireless-on-road-electric-car-charging-patent-could-be-a-game-changer/ 49 comments science
- Toyota Will Begin Testing Self-Driving EVs That Talk By 2020 - Toyota will begin testing self-driving electric vehicles that feature artificial intelligence (AI) systems capable of talking/engaging actively with drivers/riders by around 2020. https://cleantechnica.com/2017/10/19/toyota-will-begin-testing-self-driving-evs-talk-2020/ 8 comments technology
- Electric drive vehicles have little impact on U.S. pollutant emissions: A new study indicates that even a sharp increase in the use of electric drive passenger vehicles (EDVs) by 2050 would not significantly reduce emissions of high-profile air pollutants http://news.ncsu.edu/releases/wms-decarolis-edv2014/ 8 comments science
- New Survey Finds 40% of Households Can Use Electric Vehicles With Little or No Change to Driving Habits. The survey found that almost 70 percent of drivers drive less than 60 miles on a weekday, which is within the range of almost every BEV on the market today. http://www.ucsusa.org/news/press_release/ev-survey-0384.html 215 comments technology