- Who wins from public debate? Liars, bullies and trolls https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/may/03/death-of-debate-jordan-peterson-slavoj-zizek-alexandria-ocasio-cortez 16 comments politics
- Trump campaign publicly claims debate win but privately express skepticism https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/sep/11/donald-trump-advisers-debate-reaction 25 comments politics
- "Proponents of net neutrality are winning the public debate, although that doesn’t mean they’ll win the policy fight." http://time.com/3629799/net-neutrality-study/?utm_content=buffer1e193&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer 12 comments politics
- "Proponents of net neutrality are winning the public debate, although that doesn’t mean they’ll win the policy fight." http://time.com/3629799/net-neutrality-study/?utm_content=buffer1e193&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer 6 comments technology
- Channel surfing: A panel debate that wasn’t a slugfest? That’s Rajya Sabha TV for you | The public broadcaster is winning fans with its sober programming http://thereel.scroll.in/811531/channel-surfing-a-panel-debate-that-wasnt-a-slugfest-thats-rajya-sabha-tv-for-you 21 comments india
- Framing the Debate: How Walker Won the Ad War. A 12 pt. shift in public opinion shows the win was due largely to the fact that Barrett was outspent and outclassed in the air war. http://www.prwatch.org/news/2012/06/11583/framing-debate-how-walker-won-ad-war 7 comments politics
- Boris Johnson Is Threatening To Review Channel 4's Broadcasting Licence After They Replaced Him With An Ice Sculpture At Thursday's Debate. A Conservative source told BuzzFeed News that if they win the coming election they will reassess the channel’s public service broadcasting licence. https://www.buzzfeed.com/alexwickham/boris-johnson-is-threatening-to-review-channel-4s 12 comments worldnews
- Unlike the Corporate Media, Citizens Aren't Buying Romney's Debate Lies, "A new tool was applied to social media following the presidential debate; it showed that public sentiment was Obama won on substance, whereas Romney appeared to win by lying." http://www.politicususa.com/medias-sad-debate-performance-busted-social-media.html 46 comments politics
- Play the Race Card: Silence, even the well-meaning kind, rarely wins an argument. It just allows the lunatic fringe to fill the vacuum in the public debate. And this reluctance doesn't help the effort to achieve racial equality, it hurts it. http://www.newsweek.com/id/215742 3 comments politics