Hacker News
- Analysts estimate Nvidia owns 98% of the data center GPU market https://www.extremetech.com/computing/analysts-estimate-nvidia-owns-98-of-the-data-center-gpu-market 83 comments
- Who owns Tesla’s data? https://spectrum.ieee.org/tesla-autopilot-data-ownership 133 comments
- The Navy Bought ‘Global’ Surveillance Data Through Adtech Company Owned by Military Contractor https://www.404media.co/navy-bought-global-data-ncontext-sierra-nevada-snc/ 2 comments technology
- Dr. Oz Owns 10 Houses, and He’s Lying About It: Revelation comes as new GOP polling data finds the reality TV doctor tanking in the polls ahead of November’s senate race https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/dr-oz-houses-new-jersey-pennsylvania-senate-race-1397984/ 184 comments politics
- WEBULL OWNED BY CHINA! Mods please don't delete! YOUR DATA MAY NOT BE SAFE THERE! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-08/robinhood-is-losing-thousands-of-day-traders-to-china-owned-webull 13 comments wallstreetbets
- Minority-owned companies waited months for loans, data shows https://apnews.com/article/technology-small-business-new-york-coronavirus-pandemic-7613e946275f085367b5fc8c9a496aea 18 comments politics
- Andrew Yang proposes that your digital data be considered personal property: “Data generated by each individual needs to be owned by them, with certain rights conveyed that will allow them to know how it’s used and protect it.” https://www.fastcompany.com/90411540/andrew-yang-proposes-that-your-digital-data-be-considered-personal-property 163 comments privacy
- Sensor Tower secretly owns ad blocker & VPN apps that collect user data https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/craigsilverman/vpn-and-ad-blocking-apps-sensor-tower 4 comments technology
- U.S. Army cadets were this week instructed not to use China-owned social media app TikTok while representing the military, an Army spokeswoman said on Friday, amid concerns over the app’s handling of user data https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/22/us-army-cadets-told-not-to-use-tiktok-in-uniform.html 131 comments worldnews
- China has built 'massive global data-collection ecosystem' to boost its interests - Chinese use state-owned enterprises, local tech companies and foreign partnerships, ASPI report says https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/oct/15/china-has-built-massive-global-data-collection-ecosystem-to-boost-its-interests 3 comments technology
- China has built 'massive global data-collection ecosystem' to boost its interests – Chinese use state-owned enterprises, local tech companies and foreign partnerships, ASPI report says https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/oct/15/china-has-built-massive-global-data-collection-ecosystem-to-boost-its-interests 11 comments worldnews
- Apple responds to report on sending users' browsing data to China-owned Tencent https://9to5mac.com/2019/10/14/apple-responds-to-report-on-sending-users-browsing-data-to-china-owned-tencent/ 117 comments apple
- The Strange Afterlife Of Cambridge Analytica And The Mysterious Fate Of Its Data | As The U.S. Announces A Lawsuit Against Cambridge Analytica, The Mercer-Controlled Emerdata Discloses That It Now Owns The Disgraced Trump Data Firm And Its Parent Company. https://www.fastcompany.com/90381366/the-mysterious-afterlife-of-cambridge-analytica-and-its-trove-of-data?partner=feedburner&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+fastcompany%2Fheadlines+%28fast+company%29 4 comments technology
- Better Broadband Lowers Unemployment Rates, Study Says - Chattanooga’s community owned and operated fiber network resulted in significant gains in local employment, data suggests. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/evym9n/better-broadband-lowers-unemployment-rates-study-says 13 comments technology
- Pompeo tells Germany: Use Huawei and lose access to our data - Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued the warning to Germany, which has so far stood with Britain and France in declining calls to ban the state-owned manufacturer from the 5G networks now being built. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-germany/pompeo-to-germany-use-huawei-and-lose-access-to-our-data-iduskcn1t10hh 67 comments worldnews
- Your Car Knows When You Gain Weight - Vehicles collect a lot of unusual data. But who owns it? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/20/opinion/car-repair-data-privacy.html 5 comments technology
- Your car is watching you. Who owns the data? https://www.rollcall.com/news/policy/cars-data-privacy 3 comments technology
- Facebook’s plan to merge WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger sounds a privacy alarm - The move to bring the messaging apps Facebook owns together in the background will lead to more data about users being shared between them. https://www.technologyreview.com/the-download/612833/facebooks-plan-to-merge-whatsapp-instagram-and-messenger-sounds-a-privacy-alarm/ 12 comments technology
- Lead movement to ensure India’s data owned by Indians: Ambani to PM https://indianexpress.com/article/india/lead-movement-ensure-indias-data-owned-indians-ambani-pm-modi-vibrant-gujarat-5545575/ 20 comments india
- Privacy is not black and white - people are being nihilistic about deleting some facebook owned apps. Every minute less spent on any Facebook app is less Ad money for them, and less data! Thats why this is BS: "You’re not quitting Facebook if you still use Instagram and WhatsApp" https://qz.com/1501696/facebook-owns-instagram-and-whatsapp-so-delete-them-too/ 9 comments privacy
- 59% of free VPN's are Chinese owned and may be capturing your data, according to a new study conducted by Metric Labs https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/11/19/vpn_app_investigation/ 14 comments politics
- Tim Berners-Lee's Solid: Owning your data https://solid.inrupt.com/ 62 comments programming
- NordVPN, ProtonVPN, ProtonMail, Owned by Tesonet (data mining company) CEO Darius Bereika http://vpnscam.com/nordvpn-protonvpn-proton-mail-owned-by-tesonet-ceo-darius-bereika/ 9 comments technology
- Apple iCloud data in China now stored by state-owned company https://mashable.com/2018/07/18/china-government-apple-icloud-data/#0mrjxpss1iql 12 comments apple
- Peter Thiel: Cambridge Analytica later developed a relationship with a Palantir staffer that produced the idea to use an app to harvest Facebook user data. Both Cambridge Analytica and Palantir are owned by conservative billionaires who funded Donald Trump's election campaign. https://www.sfgate.com/technology/businessinsider/article/emails-link-peter-thiel-s-palantir-and-eric-12787060.php 15 comments politics
- Apple hands iCloud accounts registered in the U.S. and Europe to Chinese Communist Party owned data management firm https://techcrunch.com/2018/01/11/apple-china-icloud-international-users/ 16 comments technology
- Equifax says it owns all its data about you https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2017/11/08/equifax-says-it-owns-all-its-data-about-you/ 14 comments politics
- Mix references to owned and borrowed data in Rust https://github.com/nvzqz/mixed-ref-rs 4 comments rust
- Reliance Jio counter: State-owned BSNL offers unlimited calling, 10 GB data a day in Rs 249 http://www.financialexpress.com/industry/reliance-jio-counter-state-owned-bsnl-offers-unlimited-calling-10-gb-data-a-day-in-rs-249/612258/ 53 comments india
- Amazon refuses to give police the voice data from an Echo owned by a man charged with murder http://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-refuses-to-give-police-echo-voice-data-in-murder-case-2016-12 837 comments technology
- Analysis of Department of Labor data shows that nine Trump-majority-owned companies have applied to bring waitresses, cooks, vineyard workers, and other laborers into the country on foreign worker visas http://fortune.com/2015/08/03/donald-trump-foreign-workers-visas/ 10 comments politics
- Everest College, a U.S.-owned chain of 14 private career schools, shut down in Ontario, Canada by provincial government after allegations of falsified job placement and grade data http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/everest-college-shut-down-in-ontario-14-schools-closed-1.2963307 956 comments worldnews
- Skype under investigation in Luxembourg over link to NSA - Microsoft-owned chat company could face criminal sanctions for covertly passing data to government agencies http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/oct/11/skype-ten-microsoft-nsa 20 comments europe
- The cube, one of the most technologically advanced data centers owned by the Portugal Telecom. Walkthrough with 2 principal architects http://videos.sapo.pt/s9euKvc6iYvRtr2FgYZi 3 comments sysadmin
- CIA: Big Data Is The Future And The Agency Owns It http://au.businessinsider.com/cia-presentation-on-big-data-2013-3#soon-the-cia-will-be-able-to-collect-and-analyze-everything-23 6 comments technology
- "(Microsoft) is treating data like it belongs to them and the other is following a due-process approach regulated by the courts or existing laws" Microsoft owns your SkyDrive http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/technolog/your-cloud-drive-really-private-not-according-fine-print-1c8881731 21 comments technology
- Why Owning Software or Data 'No Longer Makes Sense' - “We're moving into a world that is evolving into a subscription economy.” http://www.forbes.com/sites/joemckendrick/2012/11/23/why-owning-software-or-data-no-longer-makes-sense/ 18 comments technology
- Facebook owns you - “Why exactly is it worth so much money? It owns us. I don’t mean that as a metaphor, I mean the company’s TOS gives the company the legal rights to the photos, the information and the data of its users.” http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/02/15/the-nations-ari-melber-facebook-owns-you/#.tzyagmfn9re.reddit 24 comments politics
- The *real* NCIS: Naval intelligence specialist suspected of espionage after failing a lie detector test: "They tossed my car, rifled through my belongings in my apartment, took every single unlabeled notebook, every blank diskette, every CD-R, every data-storage capable piece of equipment I owned." https://antipolygraph.org/cgi-bin/forums/yabb.pl?num=1265015145 8 comments reddit.com
- On March 11, 2009 Dallas FBI Special Agent Allyn Lynd obtained a warrant to search and seize equipment at four Data Centers in the Dallas area. Every last piece of technology -- down to the power-strips -- was seized. Regardless of who owned it. http://www.securityfocus.tv/dallascolo/ 9 comments reddit.com